With Pain Psychotherapist,
Clinical Director, and Co-Founder of Freedom From Chronic Pain
Hal Greenham
and Professor of Medicine, and Founder and Director of
the Mind Body Medicine Program
Howard Schubiner, MD
A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Release stress patterns, recreate new neural pathways, and unhook from the chronic pain loop to stop your brain from recreating the pain experience.

Find relief from tension headaches, back pain, TMJ, IBS, fibromyalgia, and more through scientifically proven techniques that address pain at its core.

If you suffer from chronic pain, it’s likely holding you back from experiencing life fully and the joy and vitality you long for...

Maybe you’ve tried various healing methods, such as physical therapy, injections, contemplative practices, or a pain-management program... and you’re frustrated by the lack of success...

... or relief that’s been only temporary.

You might think your pain is due to aging, but it’s more likely due to the pain patterns you’ve lived with for so long...

Recurring and chronic pain influences your neural pathways, reinforcing pain patterns over time.

This pain “loop” often runs long after the original physical injury is resolved and your efforts to manage or fix it can perpetuate the loop. Even focusing on or complaining about pain reinforces these patterns.

These loops, which reside in the subconscious mind, are powerfully affected by stress and emotions.

For too long, the accepted approach to pain management relied on physical intervention alone, but the truth is, there are complex mind-body interactions at work...

As it turns out, 90% of chronic pain isn’t connected to anything structurally wrong with us it’s like a habit that our body, mind, and subconscious get stuck in.

We begin to anticipate pain on a subconscious basis and create neural loops that keep it in place...

And it’s not that your pain isn’t real it very much is it’s that we can break the neurological cycle that’s producing the pain by working with a consciousness intervention.

In fact, studies show that stressful life events and physical injuries activate the same neural circuits of danger and pain! People with past trauma often have a lifelong heightened fight-or-flight response in the brain... that’s more likely to activate pain when stressful events occur.

The vast majority of people with chronic pain have this more hypervigilant pain mechanism and most doctors and healthcare professionals are unaware of it.

The remarkable truth is, even if you’ve had pain for years or decades, you can reverse the pain loop by retraining your brain.

Yes, YOU have the power to eliminate or significantly reduce your pain permanently!

What will YOUR pain-free life look like? 

Your life will open up again… as you spend time with friends and family... plan vacations to all the places you’ve been longing to see… 

… return to your favorite dance class… resume a creative project… sit comfortably for your meditation practice or contemplative prayer time...  

… walk up and down stairs without hesitation... take an all-day adventure without having to worry that your pain will flare up… enjoy nature again and take in the autumn leaves!

Leading pain experts Hal Greenham and Dr. Howard Schubiner have developed a proven method to treat pain at its source by resolving pain patterns in your brain and body, while also working through difficult emotions underlying these patterns.

Why Chronic Pain Involves More Than Your Physical Body

Emerging neuroscience suggests that all pain is generated by the brain (just like vision, hearing, and all other sensations) in a process known as predictive coding.

The majority of people with chronic pain do NOT have a clearly identifiable structural cause for their pain, according to Hal and Howard. This includes 99% of headaches and fibromyalgia, 95% of abdominal and pelvic pain syndromes, and 85-90% of neck and back pain.

Many other pain and fatigue syndromes, such as CRPS, CFS, RSI, frozen shoulder, plantar fasciitis, and interstitial cystitis can also be effectively treated using this approach.

Once you understand the three aspects of pain biological, psychological, and emotional you can retrain your brain to stop setting off the pain alarm, and significantly reduce or even completely erase pain from your life.

The Emotional Roots of Chronic Pain & Understanding the Mind Body Syndrome

Childhood experiences create very powerful reactions in our minds, and these reactions can live on for the rest of our lives. Emotions that are generated when we’re young can very easily get triggered later in life... and when triggered set off a vicious cycle known as Mind Body Syndrome (MBS).

Stress and trauma tend to condition your body to overreact to stressors with an exaggerated fight-or-flight response. The strong emotions that are generated in our minds are stored in the amygdala for the rest of our lives, even if we’re not aware of them.

Once MBS is recognized for the role it plays in your pain loop or even as the root cause you can apply Hal and Howard’s scientifically proven and holistic method to resolve your pain and underlying issues.

When you join pain psychotherapist Hal Greenham and Dr. Howard Schubiner for a 7-part training Freedom From Chronic Pain: Rewire Your Subconscious Mind to Dissolve Pain Programming you’ll discover an evidence-based approach to stop chronic pain AND discover techniques to start training your brain to unhook from pain patterns.

In this revelatory training, you’ll discover:

  • Relief from pain caused by injuries, back pain, headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and more
  • How pain functions and sustains itself in your mind (which doesn’t mean your pain is not real!)
  • The radical neuroscience that explains the power of predictive coding in chronic pain
  • That stress and emotions activate the pain “alarm,” which generates physical symptoms
  • Powerful mind-body practices to help you stop your brain from recreating the pain experience
  • How to achieve mastery and a sense of control over your emotions, reactions to stress, and most importantly, your body
  • How to pinpoint and shift the brain’s neural circuits of pain
  • Why back or neck pain that doesn’t correspond to an abnormal MRI result means you might have MBS/TMS
  • How to successfully interrupt the nerve pathways that are producing pain and reactivate normal, healthy neural pathways that existed before you were in pain
  • A deep understanding of the role of your inner child as your essence, the core of your “feeling part of the self,” and how to bring consciousness and healing to this part
  • How to create an effective container for healing through supportive practices, therapeutic relationships, and routines, rituals, and more
  • How to feel empowered to shift your relationships and return to the life you may have put on hold for far too long

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-step transformational journey, Hal and Howard will show you how to retrain your brain so you can significantly reduce or even completely erase pain from your life. 

You’ll “get your life back” as you’re guided, step-by-step, through an evidence-based approach to unhook from pain patterns rooted in the core dimensions of pain biological, psychological, and emotional and thrive in your new pain-free life.

This revelatory course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with Hal and Howard. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you can develop a comprehensive, holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to master these techniques.

Module 1: Diagnosing Your Pain & Unhooking From the Pain Loop (November 6)

In this first part of the course, you’ll begin with the all-important first step: diagnosis.

The pain that you feel in your body is real and an incorrect diagnosis will stand in the way of you getting better.

In this module, you’ll gain an understanding of how the brain works and learn to apply predictive coding to your situation.

Your body produces pain because it’s manifesting unresolved stress, and under Hal and Howard’s guidance, you’ll look for the links between stressful life events and your pain beginning in early childhood and continuing into your present-day circumstances and personality traits...

You’ll dive deep into Mind Body Syndrome (MBS)/Tension Myoneural Syndrome (TMS), the powerful phenomenon in which unconscious emotional issues jumpstart a process that causes physical pain and other symptoms...

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Which symptoms and diagnoses are likely to be caused by MBS/TMS (including fibromyalgia, whiplash, tension headaches, migraine headaches and many, many more)
  • Why back or neck pain that doesn’t correspond to an abnormal MRI results means you might have MBS/TMS
  • Lessons from powerful research showing that people can experience mild-to-moderate changes on MRI without corresponding back or neck pain
  • Exactly why baseline MRIs and follow-up MRIs are NOT useful predictors of low back pain
  • What’s happening inside your body when an emotion causes a physical reaction (for example, your face turning red with embarrassment, or a headache after a stressful day)

Module 2: Rewiring Your Brain How to Unlearn Pain Programming (November 13)

During this class, you’ll discover powerful practice to rewire your brain and help relieve your pain.

Some of the techniques include meditative work, desensitization, graded exposure, reducing fear, taking control of triggers, and more. Over the seven modules of the course, these techniques will all become tools in your pain-management arsenal.

Now that you’re aware that your brain has developed pathways that are causing your MBS symptoms primarily because of stressful events, you’ll begin to explore how these painful pathways can be unlearned.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to successfully interrupt the neural pathways that are producing pain or other MBS symptoms
  • How to reactivate your many normal, healthy neural pathways that existed before you were in pain
  • Evidence that your symptoms are coming from neural pathways that are changeable including having symptoms that come and go, or pain that changes locations in your body
  • Why adjusting how you think and react to stressful situations can change your brain and its pathways
  • How your brain physically changes with the practices you’ll learn, therapy, and the resolution of psychological symptoms (a phenomenon first witnessed in people with spider phobias)
  • How you can investigate your symptoms and keep track of the powerful clues your brain is sending you about how to most effectively ease your pain

Module 3: Transforming Your Fear Response & Other Pain Triggers (November 20)

This class session will build on what you learned last week about rewiring your brain you’ll deepen your ability to stop (unintentionally) reinforcing your pain

You’ll experience the breakthrough of realizing there’s no need to be frustrated about your discomfort, or to fight your pain… 

Hal and Howard will guide you to welcome in this powerful truth: there is no need to fix anything, because you’re not broken.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The profound power of relaxing and calming your brain and how you can resolve to stop struggling against your pain
  • The fundamentals of pain triggers, and what’s happening inside your body and brain when they strike
  • The conditioned responses you’ve likely developed (without even realizing it) to elements like the weather, light, sound, bending your body, moving, and more
  • Anticipatory pain and why expecting to be in pain can sometimes feel worse than actually experiencing it

Module 4: Healing Family Patterns & Nurturing Your Inner Child to Release Pain (December 4)

In this session, Hal and Howard will guide you to understand the family dynamics you grew up with and how they can exacerbate the chronic pain process. 

If you’re like most people, you likely have an established set of emotional patterns within your family of origin, leaving many feelings either under or over-expressed...

Then, as adults, experiences in relationships or work situations can trigger these complex childhood dynamics flooding the unconscious mind and producing powerful symptoms.

In this session, you’ll discover a powerful structure for gathering insightful information on your family history and deciding what to do with the associated accompanying feelings.

As you’ll find out, sometimes it's best to express the feelings, and other times its more healing to accept them...

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How your inner child is the essence of who you are, and what makes you unique
  • A deep understanding of the feeling part of the self it’s only partly conscious, yet it contains vast realms of feeling and awareness
  • Why you’ve likely learned numerous techniques of disconnection to separate the adult and child within you
  • How to nurture your inner child to uncover the root of your pain
  • Clarity on what might be happening inside your unresolved feelings that are manifesting in your body

Module 5: Making Peace With Your Subconscious Mind (December 11)

During this class, you’ll build on the inner child work you completed in the previous class session and and bring your inner parents, inner protectors, and other relevant parts of the subconscious mind into focus.

As you’ll discover, the inner dynamics of these parts are absolutely critical to creating your experience of physical and emotional wellness.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Create peace with your subconscious mind by making a meaningful connection with your inner child
  • Master the art of your subconscious mind into a lively, peaceful state one that calms your nervous system for the long term
  • Discover how to maintain the secure, safe relationship you’ve built with your inner child
  • How these connections are powerful medicine for reducing physical pain, reducing anxiety and creating peace in your psyche and your life

Module 6: Creating a Container for Healing (Even Through the Holidays!) (December 18)

The holiday season can often be among the most emotionally stressful, triggering, and challenging times of the year. This week, you’ll discover how to transform these triggers into a source of insight and develop a container for healing.

Unless you had perfect parenting for a few generations in a row (which of course, virtually no one has), difficult emotions will rise to the surface during these triggering times, emerging on a spectrum ranging from mild to severe in their intensity.

Creating a container for healing allows you to experience the emergence of difficult feelings, thoughts and memories without being overwhelmed by them.

Hal and Howard’s favorite analogy for healing your trauma through your container involves picturing a bottle of soda… completely shaken up. There are many emotions inside that want to escape and if you take the lid off too quickly, they’re going to explode.

And so in this session, you’ll learn to create a container for healing that allows you to release the pressure of your emotions a bit at a time, until you’ve released enough pressure that it can all be poured out easily and your healing can take place...

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The elements of an effective container for healing including your physical and emotional environment, your routines and rituals, positive relationships, and more
  • Supportive practices including meditation and journaling to process feelings
  • The importance of therapeutic relationships (maybe with a therapist, doctor, or other trusted healthcare professional) to help guide you on your healing journey
  • How to choose the best pace for YOU to discover and process your unconscious material so you won’t become overwhelmed or lose interest in the process
  • An exercise to walk you through an honest assessment of your current container for healing and how you can enhance what’s already working
  • How to recognize whether your strong physical symptoms are already providing a container for you unfortunately, they’re most likely distracting your attention and repressing your feelings

Module 7: Designing Your New Pain-Free Life (January 8)

In this final session with Howard and Hal, you’ll work on moving forward with your life. 

How do you take what you've learned and step forward confidently into your new body? How will life be different now, with significantly less pain holding you back?

During this class, you’ll move forward into creating the kind of life that’s now possible for you.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Important practices for integrating what you’ve learned on your journey through this course
  • Concrete steps to make powerful, lasting changes to your life
  • How dynamics with your family and other relationships might change
  • How to approach difficult situations and do what you need to do to maintain your well-being
  • How to feel empowered to get back into the life you may have had on hold for far too long

The Freedom From Chronic Pain Bonus Collection

In addition to Hal and Howard’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Psychological Trauma: Healing Its Roots in Brain, Body & Memory
Ebook From Dawson Church

Psychological trauma is among the most devastating of conditions. Though classified as a mental health disorder, it affects the body at the most fundamental levels. This monograph traces the physiological roots of posttraumatic stress disorder in the body’s many systems: the brain, the autonomic nervous system, the endocrine system, and the many organs they control. It weaves together the most current research from many different scientific fields. It’s a unique resource for scholars, therapists, physicians, and journalists as well as patients who wish to understand the underlying physiology of stress.

Dawson Church, PhD, is an award-winning author whose bestselling book, The Genie in Your Genes, has been hailed by reviewers as a breakthrough in our understanding of the link between emotions and genetics. He founded the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare to study and implement promising evidence-based psychological and medical techniques. His groundbreaking research has been published in prestigious scientific journals. He’s the editor of Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, & Treatment, a peer-reviewed professional journal, and a blogger for HuffPost. He shares how to apply the breakthroughs of energy psychology to health and athletic performance through EFT Universe, one of the largest alternative medicine sites on the web.

Medical Intuition: Blazing a Trail for Holistic Health
Video Dialogue With Wendie Colter From the 2019 Science & Spirituality Summit

Join Certified Medical Intuitive Practitioner (CMIP), Wendie Colter, as she discusses recent advances in the field of mind-body medicine. She will guide you to acknowledge the importance of including intuition in the clinical setting. Medical Intuition can also assist in addressing the energetic influence of thoughts, beliefs and emotions, and how they impact the health and wellbeing of an individual.

During this impactful session, you’ll discover:

  • That intuition is a natural human trait that everyone has access to, and it can be developed and optimized to support health and well-being
  • How medical Intuition can be used for personal self-care, as well as in the clinical setting by healthcare professionals
  • New and upcoming research indicates the scope, value, and the use of Medical Intuition in the clinical environment for truly holistic wellness

Wendie Colter is a Certified Medical Intuitive Practitioner (CMIP), Certified Master Energy Healing Practitioner, teacher, minister, and transformational coach (CEG). She is the founder and CEO of The Practical Path, presenting educational programs for professional and personal intuitive development.

Her commitment to the deeper awareness and understanding of the balance between mind, body and spirit is evident in her caring and insightful consultations, and her transformative seminars and workshops. Wendie has been in private practice for 20 years, and has been teaching intuitive development and energy medicine professionally for over 10 years.

Identifying With Your Pain Type
Audio Dialogue With Dr. Trupti Gokani From the 2018 Winter of Wellness Summit

In her 15 years of experience with migraine patients, Trupti Gokani, integrative neurologist and migraine specialist, has used a blend of Eastern and Western medicine to achieve optimal results. Join her as she helps you identify your unique pain mind/body type. She’ll delve into the specific foods, exercise, careers, and more, that can help keep your pain in balance. She’ll also discuss the key nutrients to balance your pain.

During this hope-filled session, you’ll discover:

  • That you have a pain type based on eastern medicine principles
  • How to use nutrients to balance your pain
  • An understanding of how your gut can activate your pain and ways to balance both

An award-winning, board-certified neurologist, Trupti Gokani, MD has dedicated her life to developing a unique blend of modern medicine and ancient philosophy. By melding these approaches, she’s become a highly sought after speaker and health coach sharing holistic wellness strategies with larger-than-life media personalities like Dr. Oz, global pharmaceutical giants like Teva, and individuals with a wide range of symptoms, from debilitating migraines to chronic fatigue.

What People Are Saying About Hal Greenham and Dr. Howard Schubiner...

“... a massive drop in my pain levels.”

... After only 4 sessions I experienced a massive drop in my pain levels. I felt like I had finally turned the corner with my chronic pain. On top of that I felt like I had released some old emotional burdens I felt lighter and happier... Hal is an extremely knowledgeable and professional practitioner and I would highly recommend him to anyone with chronic pain symptoms. Healing is possible. I am living proof of that. Don’t give up!
Danny, Coburg, Victoria

“Dr. Schubiner’s workshop was probably one of most important pieces of work that I did to regain my health and energy.”

Dr. Schubiner helped me understand how my thought patterns were helping to keep a chemical cycle of pain going. I began to experience a lessening of headaches and joint pain immediately. Following two more sessions focusing on meditative practices and journaling to express anger, I was feeling ’lighter’ and less tired. I understand now how much I was contributing to the ongoing symptoms and what I can continue to do to feel physically “normal” again.
Mary W.

“I sleep better than ever, feel healthier and... have less anxiety over the ‘stressors’ of my life.”

The workshop made me realize a lot about myself. I realized that the pain I felt was tied up with the anxiety I felt every night before I went to bed, especially if I had a big soccer game or tournament coming up or had other stressors. I feel healthier and more relaxed and I have less anxiety over the "stressors" of my life. I am relatively pain free now and I love it! I am back to playing soccer like my old self again which is cool...
Joanie G.

“To overcome my symptoms without drugs is so empowering, I love it.”

I’ve struggled on and off with intermittent back and hip pain for years. Finding the mindbody approach has been fantastic for me and meant I’ve been able to effectively manage the pain without paying for osteo and other therapies I used to do...

It’s amazing stuff... you have to work at the program, you can’t just forget about it, but you can get great results if you do. To overcome my symptoms without drugs is so empowering, I love it.
Freedom From Chronic Pain program participant, Tasmania, Australia

“Since taking the workshop, my pain is GONE!”

Since taking the workshop, my pain is GONE! On occasion, I will get a flare up of pain when I am under stress, but then I use the tools that Dr. Schubiner taught me and I get relief. I’m sleeping better, eating better and looking forward to more of a pain-free life in years to come. Thank you Dr. Schubiner for your willingness to share the program with all who want the information.
Marcia R.

“... after the first two classes in the Mind Body Medicine program, I began to feel a 100% better.”

During the course of the last 32 years, I have tried massage therapy, physical therapy, myofascial release, shots, medications, etc., etc., etc. However, after the first two classes in the Mind Body Medicine program, I began to feel a 100% better. By using the breathing exercises, meditation, and learning to refuse to accept pain in my busy life, I started to heal. Also, recognizing the hurts and fears of my childhood have contributed to my feelings of well-being. Thank you so very much!
Mary C.

“In two weeks, I was feeling far better; almost pain-free.”

I took [Dr. Schubiner’s] class and... learned so much more than just about TMS. I learned several methods to deal with what’s inside my head and relieve the tension that was directing itself to my back. Dr. Schubiner said so many things that made an awful lot of sense. He talked about “chipping away” at the tension and finding what works for each individual. I also appreciated the fact that he makes the class become a terrific chance to reset your priorities in life. So much of it made sense to me. In two weeks, I was feeling far better; almost pain-free.
Kevin N.

“I started to calm down and understand for the first time what was behind my problem.”

Dr. Schubiner’s inspirational lecture and guidance helped tremendously. I started to calm down and understand for the first time what was behind my problem. The writing exercises brought out profound information about myself that I was unaware of, even when the subject matter was very familiar. Dr. Schubiner is a true healer. If you are at all skeptical or afraid, that’s okay. That will change once you begin the classes and follow through. Take the classes and you will richly reward yourself.
Donald T.

“ I had pretty well given up on leading a life that included making any plans or having any dream...”

I had pretty well given up on leading a life that included making any plans or having any dream... I am so happy to say that I now have the ability to recognize that my pain is caused by an accumulation of anger and rage in my unconscious and that it uses my body as it’s outlet and that I no longer allow it to do so. This has taken work on my part, however, I am thankful that I am now able to let go and be pain free.
Chris S.

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Hal Greenham and Dr. Howard Schubiner

Experience a rare opportunity to learn with pain psychotherapist Hal Greenham and founder and director of the Mind Body Medicine Program Dr. Howard Schubiner from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to understand the profound emotional origins of chronic pain, release old stress patterns, and recreate new neural pathways.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Freedom From Chronic Pain Bonus Collection
  • Psychological Trauma: Healing Its Roots in Brain, Body & Memory
    Ebook From Dawson Church
  • Medical Intuition: Blazing a Trail for Holistic Health
    Video Dialogue With Wendie Colter from the 2019 Science & Spirituality Summit
  • Identifying With Your Pain Type
    Audio Dialogue With Dr. Trupti Gokani From the 2018 Winter of Wellness Summit

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Freedom From Chronic Pain Virtual Training

We feel honored that Hal Greenham and Dr. Howard Schubiner have chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a pain psychotherapist, and the founder and director of the Mind Body Medicine Program at Providence Hospital, Michigan whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about discovering how to unhook from the chronic pain loop, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Freedom from Chronic Pain with Hal Greenham & Dr. Howard Schubiner or don’t feel that it meets your needs please contact our friendly Support Team within 2 weeks of your purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.

More Praise for Hal Greenham and Dr. Howard Schubiner...

“I know what it’s like to be constrained by pain, and now I know what it’s like to feel free again.”

My life is basically back to normal, plus I’m less afraid to try new things. I know what it’s like to be constrained by pain, and now I know what it’s like to feel free again. Why not try new things? I feel my mind is liberated too and I’m ready to do things that I never would have imagined.
Freedom From Chronic Pain program participant, Sydney, Australia

“... I’ve gone off my antidepressants... and largely gotten over my RSI issues...”

Since I’ve started seeing Hal, I’ve quit drinking and smoking, gone off my antidepressants, stopped feeling shy, dramatically improved my relationships with my partner and with my mother, and largely gotten over my RSI issues... Hal has really helped me get in touch with my emotions and given me the capacity to deal with life, rather than avoiding it... I’ve been blown away with how easily I can get in touch with and move through my deepest feelings through body work/somatic psychotherapy.
Theo, Preston, Victoria

“... now I have the ability to take control over my own health.”

Since I was in my teens I had developed all kinds of physical symptoms which included IBS, acid reflux, back and neck pain, and overall fatigue. My symptoms would come and go throughout an entire year... I decided to see Dr. Schubiner and was diagnosed with Tension Myositis Syndrome. After attending his classes I was able to finally help myself and heal... I not only learned a lot about myself but I have been able to recognize when I get physical symptoms, and now I have the ability to take control over my own health.
Brian L.

“My 30 years of back pain is now a non-issue...”

Hal has been instrumental in teaching me how to get in touch with repressed emotions, which is the key to eliminating TMS and the chronic pain it causes. In a matter of a few months, my life was turned around. My 30 years of back pain is now a non-issue I’m exercising regularly and riding my bike for the first time in 15 years.
Jim, Victoria

“... a massive drop in my pain levels.”

After only four sessions, I experienced a massive drop in my pain levels. I felt like I had finally turned the corner with my chronic pain. On top of that, I felt like I had released some old emotional burdens I felt lighter and happier... Hal is an extremely knowledgeable and professional practitioner, and I would highly recommend him to anyone with chronic pain symptoms. Healing is possible. I am living proof of that. Don’t give up!
Danny, Coburg, Victoria

“Dr. Schubiner’s workshop was probably one of the most important pieces of work that I did to regain my health and energy.”

Dr. Schubiner helped me understand how my thought patterns were helping to keep a chemical cycle of pain going. I began to experience a lessening of headaches and joint pain immediately. Following two more sessions focusing on meditative practices and journaling to express anger, I was feeling "lighter" and less tired. I understand now how much I was contributing to the ongoing symptoms and what I can continue to do to feel physically “normal” again. Dr. Schubiner's workshop was probably one of the most important pieces of work that I did to regain my health and energy.
Mary W.

“I feel healthier and more relaxed, and I have less anxiety over the ‘stressors’ of my life.”

The workshop made me realize a lot about myself. I realized that the pain I felt was tied up with the anxiety I felt every night before I went to bed, especially if I had a big soccer game or tournament coming up or had other stressors... I feel healthier and more relaxed, and I have less anxiety over the "stressors" of my life. I am relatively pain-free now and I love it! I am back to playing soccer like my old self again, which is cool...
Joanie G.

“I am sleeping better, breathing better, and feel a greater sense of control over how I feel physically.”

The last three months have provided me with the most consistent physical wellbeing I have had in years. I am sleeping better, breathing better, and feel a greater sense of control over how I feel physically.
Robert H.

About Hal Greenham and Dr. Howard Schubiner

Hal Greenham, BSc (Psych), BA, a somatic psychotherapist, is the Clinical Director and co-founder of Freedom From Chronic Pain. After recovering from his own chronic pain with a neuroplasticity and psychotherapy intervention, he retrained, studying psychology and a number of schools of psychotherapy. Hal specializes in treating chronic pain conditions using the Freedom From Chronic Pain approach, which combine the insights of his work as a therapist with the neuroplasticity techniques of Dr. Schubiner.

Howard Schubiner, MD, is the Clinical Director, medical advisor, and co-founder of Freedom From Chronic Pain. He held the title of Full Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University, where he worked for 18 years. He is the director of the Mind Body Medicine Program at Ascension Providence Hospital in Southfield, Michigan. He is also a Clinical Professor at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine.

Dr. Schubiner is a pioneering clinician and a leading researcher in the field of Mind-Body Medicine, and has been published more than 100 times in scientific books and journals. He is the author of Unlearn Your Pain and Unlearn Your Anxiety and Depression, and the co-author of Hidden From View, with Dr. Allan Abbass. He was included on the list of “Best Doctors in America” four years in a row.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What’s your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we’ll send you an email confirming your refund. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

Freedom from Chronic Pain
Hal Greenham, BSc (Psych), BA & Howard Schubiner, MD