With New York Times Bestselling Energy Medicine Expert & Renowned Spiritual Teacher
Deborah King

A 5-Module On-Demand Video Training


Meditate with sutras to connect with spirit guides who are standing by to help and protect you and harness their wisdom and insights to experience a harmonious and joyful life.


What if you could have divine mentors around you, everywhere you go?

What if you could confidently make better decisions, feel more energized, and find new paths to healing because you knew how to access their otherworldly wisdom whenever you needed it?

According to Deborah King, spiritual teacher and energy medicine expert, these unpaid, always-on-call benefactors and guides are always with you...

They include ascended masters, divine figures and saints, ancestral guides, animal guides, and angels.

These supremely wise helpers possess many gifts that come with their unlimited consciousness including boundless time and bandwidth to help millions of people at the same time.

They’re waiting in the wings to serve and guide you and will become available once you have a vibrant meditation and sutra practice.

Join Deborah King for her 5-module course, as she shows you how to use specific mystical tools and insights to access the wisdom and assistance of your benefactors from the spirit world with powerful sacred sutras.

Working with the sutras is the MOST valuable thing any of us can do for ourselves, according to Deborah.

Revitalize and enhance your meditation practice with the ancient wisdom of the sutras to connect with guides that are patiently, eagerly waiting for your request to find new paths to health, abundance, and wholeness.

These benevolent non-physical beings are much more powerful as spirits than they ever were in the flesh because they’ve attained skills and insights that weren’t available to them while they lived on earth. They’ve achieved God-presence and God-consciousness, the ability to love unconditionally, the capacity to work without ego, and the power to bless those who reach out to them for their wisdom and guidance.

You’ll also learn about the malevolent saboteurs in the spirit world who interact with humans. Deborah will equip you to make sure they don’t creep in to attack or to masquerade as benevolent spirits bent on derailing what you have to offer the world.

Each and every session with Deborah, she’ll invigorate your spiritual practice by seeding (or reseeding) your sutras from her previous course, Sacred Tools for Modern Masters. Don’t worry if you missed that one everyone who takes this course will receive a kit of the essential teachings needed to effectively meditate with the sutras Deborah provides.

Join Deborah, and learn to connect with the spiritual guides who are standing by to help and protect you. She’ll show you how to harness their wisdom and insights for living a peaceful, balanced, and joyful life.


What Are Sutras?

What Is an Ascended Master?

What Kind of Spirit Guides Are There?


During this illuminating 5-module course, you’ll discover:

  • How to contact and connect with ascended masters, divine figures and saints, ancestral guides, animal guides, and angels
  • Powerful sutras to enliven your energy field and help you connect to the insights from these spirit guides
  • Why you sometimes have to wait to hear back from your spirit guides
  • Why ascended masters are sometimes more helpful than other natural and supernatural helpmates
  • How to find the specific divine figures and saints that are available to help you reach your next level of enlightenment
  • The best times and circumstances to initiate an interaction with divine figures and saints
  • How ancestral guides can lead you to better life outcomes
  • How to research your ancestral line, even if you’re adopted
  • Which ancestral guides will be the most helpful to you
  • The signs that are pointing you to a pet or species in the wild that can guide you
  • Why certain animals beckon you spiritually and vibrationally
  • Which angels to consult with, depending upon your specific challenges
  • Why angels and other celestial aides need your permission before they will assist you
  • How to discern an angel’s presence in your immediate vicinity

What You’ll Discover in These 5 Modules

In this 5-part transformational intensive, Deborah will guide you through the fundamental skills, mystical tools, and insights you’ll need to connect with your wise benefactors from the spirit world.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Deborah. Deborah is famous for helping attendees initiate to higher spiritual levels. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the mystical tools, practices, principles, and insights you’ll need to connect with wise spirit guides who are standing by to help you.

Module 1: Ascended Masters


Ascended masters once lived lives here on earth, just like you.

During their lifetimes, they slowly ascended to higher states of consciousness, finally achieving the pinnacle of selfless loving-kindness and awareness.

The ones you’ll meet during this course are available to consult for every one of your concerns and challenges.

As Deborah will explain, there are tens of thousands perhaps millions of ascended masters throughout the universe, but not all are actively engaging with humanity. She’ll introduce you to many of the ones who are.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Who your specific ascended masters are including their names, disciplines, and rays
  • How ascended masters show up in your life
  • Why you sometimes have to wait to hear back from your spirit guides
  • How to contact the specific ascended masters who can help with the situations you’re facing
  • Why ascended masters are sometimes more helpful than other natural and supernatural helpmates

Module 2: Divine Figures & Saints


Jesus, Mother Mary, and St. Theresa are examples of well-known ascended masters.

Deborah will share about other divine figures and saints who will surprise and delight you, including Krishnamurti and Mary Baker Eddy.

You’ll also learn about modern-day masters in great depth, including Thomas Merton, Padre Pio, and Thich Nhat Hanh, human beings who have transitioned beyond the flesh relatively recently, and are now free to offer their wisdom and unconditional love to you.

You’ll also learn how figures like the Dalai Lamas and the Buddha are still actively influencing and counseling those who are willing to call on them for advice and wisdom.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to find the specific divine figures and saints that are available to help you reach your next level of enlightenment
  • Which earthly events or people connected you to your guides
  • How divine figures and saints can help you resolve your specific issues and challenges
  • How to connect with divine figures and saints during your meditation or contemplative practices
  • The best times and circumstances to initiate an interaction with divine figures and saints

Module 3: Ancestral Guides


Many cultures have always known that their ancestors are available to offer insights on lifetime-after-lifetime family challenges addictions, traumas, medical troubles, and other torments while also supporting their journeys in their present lifetimes.

Your ancestral guides endured hard times during their time on earth and from where they are now, they’ve gained insights that can revolutionize your life.

As Deborah will explain, you don’t have to have known about these ancestors for them to show up! However, if there is someone who has passed on with whom you felt a special bond or affinity, they’re probably as eager for you to reach out to them as you are to see them again.

Deborah will help you connect with them.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How ancestral guides can lead you to better life outcomes
  • The best way to honor and assist your ancestors
  • How to research your ancestral line, even if you’re adopted
  • How to help your ancestors with troubled pasts
  • Which ancestral guides will be the most helpful to you

Module 4: Animal Guides


Most Indigenous cultures are well aware of the presence and wisdom of animal guides.

Unfortunately, animal guides have largely become lost to most of the modern Western world for at least the past several generations.

By learning to sense and abide with spirit animals and the ones you share your life with here on this earth plane, you’ll gain powerful wisdom for this realm.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How your dog or cat can heal you physically, mentally, and emotionally
  • The signs that are pointing you to a pet or species in the wild that can guide you
  • Why certain animals beckon you spiritually and vibrationally
  • How Indigenous beliefs about animal spirits and their active presence affect your life today
  • How to respect, honor, observe, and treat the wild beings in your own area

Module 5: Angels


You’ve probably heard of the Big Four archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel.

In this class, you’ll learn about the many other angels who are in service to humankind.

Although they may appear to you in spirit with wings or as doves, they’re shapeshifting to coincide with your spiritual tradition. Many angels are so very down to earth in appearance (no wings!) that you could pass them on the street without realizing their true identities.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Which angels are most connected to you and why
  • How to contact and communicate with angels
  • Which angels to consult with, depending upon your specific challenges
  • How to discern an angel’s presence in your immediate vicinity
  • Why angels and other celestial aides need your permission before they will assist you
  • A roadmap to help you get from where you are to where you want to be with the help of your spirit guides
  • Confidence in your ability to receive messages from beyond and use them to guide you on your path

The Spirit Guidance & Sacred Sutras Bonus Collection

In addition to Deborah’s transformative 5-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Essentials From Sacred Tools for Modern Masters
Tools From the Previous Course With Deborah King

In this revelatory final class from Deborah’s previous course, she attunes you to the ascended masters, and teaches you all about the Seven Rays. She also seeds the 20 sutras into your body/mind and shares some of the mystery behind the sutras, closing with the Great Invocation.

You’ll receive:

  • Meeting the Ascended Masters & Seeding All 20 Sutras
    Video Recording
  • Everything You Wanted to Know About Meditation but Were Afraid to Ask
    Audio Teaching

Lucid Dreaming Bedtime Attunement
Guided Audio Meditation From Deborah King

Get the answers to your most personal questions when you join Deborah by video in this bedtime attunement. She prepares you for soul expansion, with an assist from Archangel Michael to relieve your fear and anxiety. Learn to form an intention and program your unconscious, and you begin to bring in the divine. Start receiving the highest vibrations of energy, have more nourishing sleep, and feel great in the morning!


The Spiritual Adventure of a Lifetime
Audio Teaching From Deborah King

Step into the gifts and wonders that are within you. In this audio meditation, Deborah is your guide as you climb the mountain of consciousness on your quest to rise above your lower nature. Get ready for an adventure of discovery as you reach and align with your truest higher self.


Animal Spirit Guidebook
PDF Guide From Deborah King

Animals are powerful spirit guides. This guidebook shares powerful creatures to help you identify messages being offered from the unseen realm. You’ll discover how animals not only offer protection and service to humankind, they also teach us to tap into our sense of intuition and observation.


What Graduates of Deborah’s Courses Are Saying...

“Deborah King is both inspirational and relatable.”

Deborah King is both inspirational and relatable. Her corporate experience and subsequent intensive spiritual learning in sacred venues make her teaching so authentic. Her warmth leaves you wanting to invite her for tea! Any course of Deborah’s, and of The Shift Network, is top shelf and most enriching.
Susan Carr, Pocono Summit, Pennsylvania

“Deborah’s live presentations offering her wealth of knowledge with engaging, colorful images and insightful meditations kept me so connected!”

Lynette, Perth, Australia

“Deborah has been absolutely awesome and the course has been a very interesting experience.”

Deborah has been absolutely awesome and the course has been a very interesting experience. It helped me understand how we all are connected with planets and stones, and ways to incorporate them in my life.
Rupal, Austin, Texas

“I love the in-depth teaching and deep heartfelt wisdom from Deborah King very much.”

Ting, San Diego, California

“... this course has brought me more insight into the powers affecting us in every moment.”

As I am interested in healing modalities, this course has brought me more insight into the powers affecting us in every moment. How we can access and use the energy of the planets through stones has been a great teaching for me to explore. Thanks to all who made this happen, and thank you, Deborah, for sharing your wisdom!
Sarah Viola, Portugal


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Five 90-Minute Class Sessions With Deborah King

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from New York Times bestselling energy medicine expert and renowned spiritual teacher Deborah King from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover mystical tools and insights to connect with your wise benefactors from the spirit world.

Five Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Spirit Guidance & Sacred Sutras Bonus Collection
  • Essentials From Sacred Tools for Modern Masters
    Tools From the Previous Course With Deborah King
  • Lucid Dreaming Bedtime Attunement
    Guided Audio Meditation From Deborah King
  • Animal Spirit Guidebook
    PDF Guide From Deborah King

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Spirit Guidance & Sacred Sutras Online Training


We feel honored that Deborah King has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a New York Times bestselling energy medicine expert and renowned spiritual teacher whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about harnessing your spirit guides’ wisdom and insights to help you lead a harmonious and joyful life, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Spirit Guidance & Sacred Sutras or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Deborah King...

“... people stand in line for hours just to get a moment with Deborah King.”

I have seen people stand in line for hours just to get a moment with Deborah King. People just love her and her healing work.
Louise L. Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Life

“Deborah King reminds us that we’re born with nature’s most powerful instrument of healing...”

Deborah King reminds us that we’re born with nature’s most powerful instrument of healing the gift to be able to sense and direct subtle energy through our bodies.
Gregg Braden, author of The Divine Matrix and Fractal Time

“Deborah King is a guide for all seekers of higher truth...”

Deborah King is a guide for all seekers of higher truth who are destined to fulfill their purpose of helping others by first healing themselves.
Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations With God

“Deborah King opens us up to realizing the powerful healing nature that lives within us all.”

Happiness comes by living our true nature. Deborah King opens us up to realizing the powerful healing nature that lives within us all.
Robert Holden, PhD, author of Be Happy and Happiness Now!

“I love Deborah King’s mix of esoteric and practical wisdom, the confluence of ancient and modern healing traditions!”

Marci Shimoff, author of Love for No Reason and Happy for No Reason


About Deborah King


A New York Times bestselling author, spiritual teacher, and energy medicine expert, Deborah King has developed her powerful gifts through four decades of global study, and is hailed as a premiere master healer of our time. Deborah was a successful attorney in her twenties when a cancer diagnosis compelled her to begin a quest for health that would radically change her life. Her amazing remission at the hands of a healer spurred her to leave the corporate arena for the mysterious world of healing, where she mastered ancient and modern systems, ultimately developing a powerful energy healing technique of her own.

Through her numerous books, live and online workshops, LifeForce Training Programs, TV appearances, and her popular Facebook live show, Deborah has guided tens of thousands of people to tap into a higher level of consciousness, trust their intuition, and heal themselves in ways they never thought possible. Deborah’s New York Times bestselling books Be Your Own Shaman, Truth Heals, Entangled in Darkness, and Heal Yourself Heal the World, take you deep into the powerful, esoteric world of healers, sages, and shamans. W Magazine calls Deborah’s work “electrifying.”


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
