With the Founder of SOMA Breath
Niraj Naik

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Experience SOMA Breathwork journeys crafted to activate transformative states of consciousness  enabling you to use your breath as the remote control for your mind, body, and spirit to reprogram every aspect of your reality.

Many believe that while there’s always room for life-changing growth, the most fundamental aspects of our identity are largely fixed.

Yet, what if you could shift the very foundations of who you are with simple breathwork techniques and practices?

What if the version of yourself you’ve been experiencing your whole life is akin to a robot that you can take apart and reprogram with a more beautiful and perhaps even a divine design?

And what if doing so enabled you to become the adventurous, fully realized human you were always meant to be?

According to breathwork pioneer Niraj Naik, once you understand who you truly are and become aware of your patterns, you’ll have the freedom to recreate yourself… and the way you live your life.

Known as “The Renegade Pharmacist,” Niraj draws upon his medical background to teach how breathing techniques can function as your inner pharmacy. He affirms that your power to reprogram yourself lies within your breath, due to the physiological effects that different states of breathing have on you.

Niraj’s SOMA Breathwork method is in effect yoga and pranayama for the modern age. SOMA Breathwork lets you enter into ecstatic states from which you can release aspects of your life that no longer feel true and literally breathe new possibilities into reality.

These heightened states of awareness give you greater perspective, freedom, energy... and capacity to shift.

Going beyond mere cathartic emotional release, SOMA Breathwork is about accessing the higher dimensions of your being that are literally designing the outer parts of your life.

Experience this powerful 7-module course as you're guided to activate mystical and transformative states of consciousness using SOMA Breathwork so you can reprogram yourself to discover your truth, heal from the past, and evolve into the best version of yourself.

Niraj's course will guide you through a new SOMA Breathwork journey each module that's designed to help you release old patterns, open your mind, and visualize a world with vastly expanded possibilities using rhythmic breathing meditations set to music.

Your breath will transform into a powerful force that Niraj calls the remote control of your mind, body, and spirit so you can be at your best... every single day.

Niraj’s SOMA Breathwork draws on ancient yogic breathing practices to provide an easy, drug-free, and lasting approach to reaching more enlightened states of consciousness.

As you breathe in tandem with rhythmic music, you’ll entrain your breathing to be smoother and more rhythmic throughout your day, activating greater health and wellbeing.

You’ll use specific breath patterns for turning off stress, increasing deep sleep, unlocking what Niraj calls your inner pharmacy, and much more.

Most people live a life of predictable patterns, repeating generational habits and cultural programming, and rarely if ever experiencing higher states of consciousness.

Harnessing the power of the breath to access higher states provides you with a unique fluidity, power, and dynamism toward change.

Activate true transformation using SOMA Breathwork techniques so you can reset, reprogram, and upgrade yourself and your life.

What Is SOMA Breathwork?

What Is the Somadi Breathing Practice?

Creating Ecstatic States Through Breathwork

In this powerful 7-module course, you’ll:

  • Bring ancient spiritual practices formulated for today into your daily life through SOMA Breathwork, yoga, and pranayama for the modern age so you can activate higher states of consciousness
  • Recreate yourself using the breath, becoming what Niraj calls your own “software programmer”
  • Create your own “inner pharmacy” using breathing techniques
  • Discover why you feel contracted versus expanded in certain situations and how common ailments, such as chronic pain, indigestion, heartburn, headaches, tightness in chest, and muscle cramps, arise from dominant thoughts left unchecked
  • Learn why people suffer from addictions, neuroses, depression, and disease and how to prevent and heal them
  • Discover your own survival code and how to use this awareness to overcome limiting beliefs, fears, and phobias
  • Explore where you store fear in your body so you can finally release it and prevent new symptoms of unresolved anxiety
  • Transform your own Territorial Code that may have blocked you from getting what you want and prevented you from attracting and forming healthy and supportive relationships
  • Reimprint the Semantic Intelligence code to dramatically improve your quality of life especially if you often find it hard to communicate or connect with others
  • Discover how to release the SOMA within to experience a divine state of bliss, flow, and connection to a higher power
  • Explore the white light, a mystical tool for transformation and meta-programming
  • Receive seven SOMA Breathwork techniques to reprogram your own inner codes and become the very best version of yourself
  • Receive SOMA Breathwork journeys and routines you can practice every day

Spiritual Teacher Raja Choudhury: “Niraj Is a Modern-Day Renaissance Mystic”

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-module, self-guided intensive, Niraj guides you through seven SOMA Breathwork journeys especially crafted to activate a targeted series of states of consciousness.

The Beauty of On-Demand

This course features step-by-step teachings and experiential practices from Niraj. Each session builds harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to use SOMA Breathwork as the remote control of your mind, body, and spirit to meta-program your reality. Your purchase includes 24/7 ongoing access to your course content, allowing you time to review the materials at your own pace and integration.

Module 1: Creating the Reality You Deserve

In order to get the results you want, attract better relationships, heal from your past, become excited about your future, and be at your best every single day you first must understand who you truly are...

From this foundation, you can create the reality you deserve.

You’ll discover the hardware versus software that represents the body, mind, and meta-programming using higher yogic rituals and SOMA Breathwork techniques to upgrade your mind’s operating system.

In this module you’ll:

  • Understand reality tunnels your unique worldview that got you where you are today
  • Decode the 8 levels of consciousness, and discover how imprints, hardwired habits, and patterns are formed so you can understand why people choose to do what they do
  • Explore the nature of reality to understand where your thoughts really come from so you can easily upgrade your thinking and get the results you really want
  • Discover the combined power of 3 of the most powerful transformative modalities breathwork, visualization, and brainwave music for meta-programming the first 4 codes
  • Learn the difference between dominant thoughts and normal, conscious thoughts
  • Discover why you feel contracted versus expanded in certain situations and how common ailments, such as chronic pain, indigestion, heartburn, headaches, chest tightness, and muscle cramps, arise from dominant thoughts left unchecked
  • Why people suffer from addictions, neuroses, depression, and disease and how to prevent and heal them

Module 2: Survival Code

The first imprint or code occurs in the womb. It’s hardwired when your reptilian brain and brain stem are formed.

Your survival code is further solidified when you take your first breath and experience the first interaction with your mother after birth.

These imprints are connected to survival and reproduction at all costs and determine whether you view the world as safe or unsafe. The extent to which fear is imprinted into your code determines how boldly you play in the game of life.

As you’ll discover, this survival imprint is the hardest to reprogram and Niraj shares how you can finally liberate yourself using SOMA Breathwork techniques to live a life on your terms.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Your own survival code and how to use this awareness to overcome limiting beliefs, fears, and phobias
  • The differences between conscious breathing versus reptile-brain breathing
  • How to charm the inner serpent and take control of your autonomic nervous system with conscious breathwork
  • Where you store the emotion of fear in your body so you can finally release it and prevent new symptoms of unresolved anxiety and fear
  • A powerful SOMA Breathwork session that begins the process of meta-programming the survival code

Module 3: Territorial Code

The second imprint, your emotional/territorial code, occurs when you’re in the infant stage and you begin to interact with other children and your father...

Negative imprints can lead to being uptight and angry with people, the world and yourself causing constipation, heartburn and even rage.

As you’ll discover, this imprint is the second-hardest to reprogram however, in this module Niraj shares how to use SOMA Breathwork techniques to become a happier, more attractive person.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • Your own territorial code and how it may have blocked you from getting what you want and prevented you from attracting and forming healthy and supportive relationships
  • Your territorial triggers, which create unhealthy emotional blocks
  • How to resolve emotions such as anger, hatred, jealousy, and envy from the past, which if left unchecked can manifest as disease
  • How to use in-the-moment SOMA Beath meditation techniques to reduce the physiological impact of triggers
  • A powerful SOMA Breathwork session that begins the process of meta-programming the territorial code

Module 4: Semantic Intelligence Code

The semantic intelligence imprint is formed when you first learn to speak a specific language, read and write, and go to school. It’s more deeply hardwired if you were raised in a culture or religion with strict rules and/or go to a very traditional school.

This code is constantly developing and becoming more sophisticated over time.

It gives you a perception of time. It makes a mental map or a reality tunnel that’s passed on from generation to generation including elements like human know-how, technology, science, and manipulation of the environment.

Semantic intelligence also transmits culture through words, art, music, symbols, rituals, and games. Humans can be moved to action by words and numbers alone, even if those words have no real meaning. Memes are an evolution of the mechanisms in which people have been moved into action by symbols alone.

Advertising, marketing, politicians, and even organized religion take advantage of this code and can move people into war or irrational behavior with just a few words and numbers that trigger the first two codes.

Semantic intelligence is the speaking part of the brain, and your ability to communicate as well as the language you use is a reflection of this code.

You'll discover how to use SOMA Breathwork to expand your level of thinking, ignite your creative passions, and become limitless.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • How reimprinting the Semantic Intelligence code can dramatically improve your quality of life especially if you feel stuck in the rat race... feel frustrated with others and yourself... find it hard to communicate or connect with others... or are doing more of what you loath than what you love
  • Your own Semantic Intelligence Code and how it can open you up to a new and improved journey through life
  • Reality tunnels, belief systems, and why people see the world in completely different ways
  • How to use your expanded awareness to prevent dogmatic thinking and rigid ideas, form better relationships, and let go of frustrations and unnecessary fights and arguments
  • How to expand your level of thinking and think more creatively
  • A powerful SOMA Breathwork session that begins the process of meta-programming the Semantic Intelligence code

Module 5: Social-Sexual Moral Code

The Social-Sexual Moral Code is formed during adolescence, and it’s hardwired when you produce sexual hormones during puberty.

It leads to sexual preferences based on pleasure rather than for reproduction. It can lead to a healthy sex life or strange and sometimes harmful fetishes.

It can also determine whether you want to be anything from a moral and responsible parent or a completely independent anarchist. Our moral values are formed in this stage and can determine whether we become law-abiding citizens, renegades, rebels, or peacekeepers.

This is a vulnerable stage of imprinting which, when set, usually lasts for life. (For example, issues such as impotence can be triggered by trauma during this stage.) This circuit is said to have first appeared with the development of tribes. That’s why there are many rituals around “coming of age”.

Negative imprints can lead to feelings of guilt and shame. If unresolved, they can manifest as depression and disease.

In this session, you will discover:

  • How your need to belong and fit into a particular social group or trend is formed within the Social-Sexual Moral Code
  • Your own Social-Sexual Moral Code and how it may be blocking or helping you navigate life
  • The power of your sexual life force energy as a tool to activate the higher states of consciousness
  • A SOMA Breathwork technique to use your sexual life force energy as a tool for conscious transformation and reach peak human experiences without substances and even release unresolved emotions of guilt and shame

Module 6: Activating the Higher States of Consciousness Bliss + Universal Codes + The White Light

The previous five sessions will have prepared your mind and body to enter into the highest states of consciousness that can be achieved through SOMA Breathwork, and to release the SOMA within.

These are the most potent states for meta-reprogramming all other states. Using the Somadi technique, you’ll be able to reach these states safely and effectively and reset and upgrade the first four codes.

This is your journey into the white light, after which you may never be the same.

Many people operate from one or more of the first four codes of consciousness. Many never even experience the higher states of consciousness, and therefore live a life of predictable patterns, repeating generational habits and culturals programs.

Real transformation is made possible when you activate the higher codes, known as neurosomatic bliss and universal codes of consciousness.

Certain breathwork naturally creates this neurosomatic bliss, which wipes the slate practically clean of all the first four imprints on your consciousness and the subsequent meta-programs that happened in the early years of life. This fifth imprinting is this state of neurosomatic bliss.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • How breath is the tool to create states of neurosomatic bliss and go even higher into the universal codes of consciousness
  • The higher codes of consciousness and the methods to activate them so you can determine the right approach for you
  • A potent SOMA Breathwork meditation for activating the higher codes safely and effectively
  • How to release the SOMA within to experience a divine state of bliss, flow, and connection to a higher power
  • The white light, a mystical tool for transformation and meta-programming
  • How to awaken to your true Self with a fully transformed and upgraded mind, body, and spirit

Module 7: Creating a SOMA Breath Lifestyle

As the course comes to a close, Niraj synthesizes the results of the previous modules as you'll build a roadmap for creating your ideal lifestyle that will bring your desired results.

In this final module, you’ll:

  • Gain clarity on the results you truly want to achieve and create a roadmap for achieving your goals.
  • Learn how to bring SOMA Breath into your daily routine to maintain your practice and results
  • Receive SOMA Breathwork journeys and routines you can practice every day

The Renew Your Body & Reprogram Your Reality With SOMA Breathwork Bonus Collection

In addition to Niraj’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Trypliminal Meta-Programming Technology
3-Part Audio Teaching From Niraj Naik

Meta-programming is creating mental shortcuts to make decision-making easier, remove bad habits, control behaviors, get things done, and interact positively with others. Niraj provides the tools to make this happen within these three powerful transformational affirmation sessions. They feature Niraj’s proprietary musical brainwave entrainment for programming creativity, self-healing, and success.

Breathwork for Stress & Anxiety
2-Part Audio Teaching From Niraj Naik

These teachings from Niraj help you understand why stress happens and what’s happening to the body while you’re experiencing it. Follow along with the video teachings to learn a stress-and-anxiety-evaporating Soma Breath technique, while the included audio can help you during a stressful moment, or even in the middle of an anxiety or panic attack.

Trypnaural Brainwave Entrainment Sessions 
2-Part Audio Teaching From Niraj Naik

These two powerful brainwave entrainment audios were created to soothe stress and release unresolved emotions using Trypnaural meditation, Soma Breath’s proprietary brainwave music technology. Session topics are “Releasing Negative Emotions” and “Alpha Healing Bliss.”

Conscious Mind Primer & Mind Restore Trypnosis
Audio Recording From Niraj Naik

If you find it hard to fall asleep at night, wake up with low energy, and often feel sick and tired, this powerful Trypnosis session is for you. It’s designed to help you get the deepest sleep ever, so you wake up to peak mental performance, feeling refreshed and super-charged. Niraj shares how you can fall asleep like a newborn baby and wake up energized with Mind Restore with his groundbreaking peak performance Hypnosis audio technology.

What People Are Saying About Niraj Naik...

“Extremely grateful for this journey and feeling inspired!”

Last night I did the “white light” meditation and all I can say is wow, wow, WOW! I guess I allowed myself to really surrender (which has been my challenge) and it was magical! My journey was colorful, emotional, sensual, and insightful. The most powerful meditation I’ve experienced this far. Thank you, fellow sommies, for your continued support and inspiration! Extremely grateful for this journey and feeling inspired!
Cindy Hubbs Lonsdale

“Thank you, Niraj Naik, for sharing your practice and for sharing your healing process.”

I would like to share with you what Soma is doing for me. I have just begun the third week and already did the 60-minute meditation twice. Soma is changing my life! I was dealing with severe depression and was about to take medications. I am also suffering, without any medication, from fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and severe endometriosis, for which the doctors told me last week that I should have an operation. I already changed all my nutrition and asked God to help me more. With Soma, I don't have brain fog anymore and I feel more connected to my real power self. I can also feel the same love for people that I felt before the depression that I've dealt with since I was 16 years old. Thank you, Niraj Naik, for sharing your practice and for sharing your healing process.
Elisa Skf

“What a blessing to get in touch with SOMA Breath!”

I just want to express my gratitude to SOMA Breath! There is so much wisdom and experience in the training, so much abundance of ideas and inspirations. I had this picture of Niraj being inspired by various people on his journey, then sharing his experience and wisdom with others, inspiring hundreds of people who themselves inspire others, so the movement is growing and growing. What a blessing to get in touch with SOMA Breath!
Christine Opper-Lohrberg

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven Pre-Recorded 120-Minute Modules

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from Niraj Naik, the founder of SOMA Breath from the comfort of your own home. Each session includes a streaming video and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to reprogram yourself and your life with a more beautiful, divine design.

Seven Transcripts of Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive session transcriptions. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Renew Your Body & Reprogram Your Reality With SOMA Breathwork Bonus Collection
  • Trypliminal Meta-Programming Technology
    3-Part Audio Teaching From Niraj Naik
  • Breathwork for Stress & Anxiety
    2-Part Audio Teaching From Niraj Naik
  • Trypnaural Brainwave Entrainment Sessions 
    2-Part Audio Teaching From Niraj Naik
  • Conscious Mind Primer & Mind Restore Trypnosis
    Audio Recording From Niraj Naik

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Renew Your Body & Reprogram Your Reality With SOMA Breathwork Online Training

We feel honored that Niraj Naik has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from the founder of SOMA Breath whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about using your breath as the remote control for your mind, body, and spirit to meta-program your reality, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Renew Your Body & Reprogram Your Reality With SOMA Breathwork or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.

More Praise for Niraj Naik...

“I love visiting the SOMA journey.”

I have 30 years of gathered modalities that I practice daily. I have to say, however, I love visiting the SOMA journey. It’s just done in a way that gives me that reboot/reset of energy that positively moves my life forward. My wife and I were “victims” of a corporate takeover and thanks to breathwork, I see nothing but possibilities and my energy is attracting not only multiple new jobs, but also the perfect tribe that values me and only enhances this beautiful experience called life.
Michael Lang

“I bathed myself in so much healing white light in my breathwork tonight.”

I bathed myself in so much healing white light in my breathwork tonight. It felt like a warm blanket.
Clare Emily Williamson

“Try it and you will not regret the experience and the benefits.”

For the best body, mind, and spirit you need the best breathing technique, because it is a technique. Coming into this world the first breath is inspiration and going out, the last one is expiration. Between them should be SOMA Breath with Niraj. I found it late in my life, but it is never too late. Try it and you will not regret the experience and the benefits. It is amazing or better yet, marvelous!
Sorin Frumuselu

“I just want to affirm what an amazing group and organization this is.”

I just want to affirm what an amazing group and organization this is. Yesterday, I took the risk of posting a very honest post about my struggles and my feelings. The responses I received from everyone were amazing and very, very helpful. Thank you so much for all your help. Today, I feel much more hopeful and grateful I am part of such an amazing organization and the best Facebook group I have ever participated in. I have a clearer insight on how I may be of service. 
Steve DeWeese

“Yesterday was tuly amazing, my body was so lit up it was beyond the beyond.”

Yesterday was truly amazing, my body was so lit up it was beyond the beyond. Thank you, thank you to all that made this happen especially to you Niraj.
Helen Matejovic

About Niraj Naik

Niraj Naik is a former certified pharmacist turned holistic health and breathwork expert. As a “legal drug dealer,” he witnessed many patients going home with bags full of drugs each month, rarely getting better and usually going on to suffer from other diseases. He also saw the debilitating side effects of the prescription medications, which drove many of the patients to need other drugs to ease the side effects from the first round of prescriptions a vicious cycle.

The stress and overwhelm of dishing out pills got the better of him, and Niraj was housebound for nearly a year with ulcerative colitis, an autoimmune condition. He was left with the option of becoming a guinea pig for a new untested drug, or undergoing a colectomy (removal of the colon). He chose neither option, and began his search to learn from those who had great success in curing themselves (or others) from chronic illness.

He learned a combination of natural treatments, including yogic and Ayurvedic practices, and adopted new dietary recommendations. He studied healing methods through meditation, pranayama, and mind-power techniques like self-hypnosis and NLP. He also discovered powerful techniques of sound and music therapy as tools for reducing stress and promoting self-healing. Today, Niraj lives symptom-free, and has helped hundreds of others do the same.

Niraj is the founder of SOMA Breath the global wellness and breathwork movement taking the world by storm. SOMA Breath combines the ancient yogic wisdom of pranayama with modern-day science. Taking inspiration from ancient scriptures like the Rig Veda, Niraj has created a breathwork practice that intricately combines science and spirituality. SOMA Breath takes you on a multisensory meditation journey, combining specially crafted brainwave-entrainment music, breathwork, and visualization techniques. Participants regularly describe moments of pure bliss, connection to Source, profound spiritual experiences, and emotional releases.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How long will I have access to my Course Homepage and materials?
A: Your purchase includes 24/7 ongoing access to your course content online via your Homepage unless refunded or otherwise specified. We currently don't have an expiration date for our online materials. This will allow you time to review the materials at your own pace and integration.

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
