Saniel Bonder & Linda Groves Bonder
Co-teachers of Waking Down in Mutuality school, authors

Saniel Bonder and Linda Groves-Bonder are among today's foremost pioneers in the field of embodied, mutual awakening of consciousness – or, as one of Saniel's dozen book titles puts it, "Healing the Spirit/Matter Split." They and their colleagues in the Waking Down in Mutuality work that Saniel founded in the early '90s have helped hundreds of everyday people enter into permanent Self-realization and ongoing evolutionary unfoldment. As a married couple who teach together, Saniel and Linda transmit a process of direct awakening. It opens into a spontaneously sacred way of being alive. Their approach helps you learn to access what Linda calls "conscious skillful will.” With it you can steadily live from the recognition that even dark and difficult times are as real, divine, and important as sublime, radiant moments. Harvard grad Saniel is also a flute player, and a golfer with a book on golf’s ‘mental game’ appearing soon. Linda has been a professional singer and songwriter, and has a CD, I’m Here. See and They live in Sonoma, California, and travel throughout the U.S. and internationally to offer their “WholeHEART Way” teachings and trainings ( Saniel and Linda are founding members of Ken Wilber’s Integral Institute and charter members of the Integral Spiritual Center.


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