With Feminine Psychology Pioneer & Author of Goddesses in Everywoman
Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD
A 10-module Recorded Audio Training

Liberate your natural and full expression through accessing Goddess archetypes that elevate your self-awareness, reveal your life’s purpose and inspire you to live
more authentically.


The famous psychologist Carl Jung pioneered a discipline of psychology that expanded beyond Freud’s instinct-based theories into realms of soul, archetypal energy, and collective consciousness.

At the core of Jung’s work is the idea that there are deep patterns in our culture, which he called archetypes, that inspire, sculpt and empower us. They turn up in myths and stories throughout history. They are the deep structure of human psychology residing in our psyche or soul waiting to be aroused.

When we awaken and open to these archetypes within us, we have more energy, passion, truth and power. We are aligned with our soul.

And when we ignore or suppress our natural archetypes, we can feel listless, depressed or unfulfilled.

Working intelligently with the archetypes within you thus empowers you to live a fully expressed life the one your soul longs for and you were meant to live.

Opening to the Feminine Archetypes

Jean Shinoda Bolen is the pre-eminent scholar, teacher, and therapist who blazed a new trail of understanding feminine archetypes and particularly how they express in the lives of women (and men!) with her bestselling book Goddesses in Everywoman.

Dr. Bolen shows how our culture has channeled women into overly narrow boxes and roles, often suppressing their power, vitality and creative expression.

She shows that shedding the inherited, cultural stories and discovering more personally authentic myths to guide our lives is part of the most natural journey of liberation and individuation.

As we let go of the limited roles we were expected to conform to, we can each reclaim the full range of femininity and align with the larger forces within each of us.

Reclaiming the full expression of the feminine archetypes leads to a more soulful kind of feminism, and liberates more creativity, energy, and joy. It allows you to deepen your understanding of how and why you became who you are today... and, what you’ll become tomorrow!


By allowing the archetypes that authentically reflect your inherent nature to stir and arise from within, and their energies to guide you, you gain profound insights that can open the door to discovering and embodying your true Self and fulfilling your life’s purpose.

To reach this level of awareness and embodiment, it’s important to know how to work with these archetypes in a way that enhances your well-being. You must be wise and self-reflective as you open to these forces, since the energy can become destructive if wielded carelessly or if you ignore the shadow side of each.

That’s where the Liberating the Goddesses in You program comes in the first virtual program in which this pioneering Jungian analyst and bestselling author guides you on a journey into your psychological and spiritual depths to access the archetypal powers within you.

In this unprecedented virtual training, you’ll have the opportunity to explore the seven primary mythological Greek goddesses at the core of Jean’s bestselling book, but in far more depth. Each goddess figure embodies unique qualities and personality traits that together comprise the full spectrum of the feminine.

As you explore these goddesses opening to each at the depths your soul deems right for you you can better experience the greater forces at play within you.

You will start to discover which goddesses you need to embody to truly feel “at home” in your body and life and which you must tone down so you can enjoy a more fulfilling and soul-aligned life.

Over-identifying with just one goddess can prevent you from embodying and expressing all the various facets of yourself and living a balanced life. And identifying with the wrong goddesses for you can be equally problematic.

This 10-part journey is about walking boldly and purposefully into your authentic self, confident that the goddesses within you are guiding you to live a life that is soul-inspired, embodied and liberating and that radiates your inherent qualities and greatest gifts outward to be realized and shared with all.

Along the way, you will also enhance your relationships with those around you, including romantic partners, family members, co-workers, even those you connect with casually in your everyday life. As you learn to open to, accept and embrace each goddess archetype stirring within you, you start to accept and embrace others who express these energies in their lives.


A Journey of Self Discovery

If you participate in this groundbreaking virtual program, you’ll learn why some women need monogamy, marriage and children to feel fulfilled, and why other women seek emotional intensity and new experiences through a series of relationships.

You’ll understand why another type of woman prioritizes solitude and spirituality, and why still another is keenly aware of aesthetic details yet doesn’t notice when the stove is left on.

You’ll solve the mysteries of why certain women have particular difficulties and affinities with certain men. Why do some women choose men who are powerful and successful? Crippled and creative? Bright yet boyish? You’ll gain insights into how each goddess is an unseen impetus propelling a woman toward a distinct type of man.

Like every woman, you were blessed with “goddess-given” gifts to embrace and express as only you can. You were also endowed with “goddess-given” liabilities, which you must identify and transcend if you are to fully step into the shoes of who you are capable of becoming.

Learning how these seven goddesses are stirring within you which are dominant, which are dormant, which need to be cultivated and which need to be overcome can help you envision and thus call up needed strengths and qualities when you need them most.

So who are these goddesses?

  • Artemis , Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon, a personification of the independent, competitive woman with a sense of sisterhood, quick to act, to punish and protect.
  • Athena , Goddess of Wisdom and Craft, represents the logical, self-assured woman who works well with men and power and is ruled by her head rather than her heart.
  • Hestia , Goddess of the Hearth and Temple has an inner orientation, creates a sense of serenity and warmth and makes solitude blessed.
  • Hera , Goddess of Marriage, is in the woman who considers her roles as student, professional or mother secondary to her essential goal of finding a husband and being married.
  • Demeter , Goddess of Grain is the maternal archetype, expressed through motherhood and through nurturing and providing physical, psychological and spiritual sustenance and support.
  • Persephone is the maiden and abducted daughter of Demeter who became Queen of the Underworld. She personifies innocence, susceptibility to the will of others, and receptivity toward the inner world.
  • Aphrodite , Goddess of Love and Beauty, is the “alchemical” goddess governing a woman’s enjoyment of love and beauty, sexuality and sensuality. She impels women to fulfill both creative and procreative desires.

While the names of these goddesses may sound familiar, each serves as a portal to an extensive mythology, rich in biographical and symbolic meaning and steeped in archetypal energies that can evoke profound self-discoveries and exciting possibilities for your life.

Hearing their myths and relating to them provides compelling new ways to see yourself and who you were meant to and can become.

Fully understanding all the nuances and powers of these seven archetypes could take years of studying, interpreting and integrating the complementary realms of mythology and psychology.

Instead of trying to do so in a lonely library of your own creation, what if you could take a 10-module virtual expedition into the heart of these feminine mysteries with an expert teacher and a truly amazing global community of allies?

The Value of a Master Guide


Think of psychiatrist and Jungian analyst Jean Shinoda Bolen as a guide for your soul as you embark on this fascinating journey into mythology, self-awareness and transformation.

Jean’s revolutionary findings in her signature work Goddesses in Everywoman , gave rise to a new psychological perspective of women based on prototypes provided by Greek goddesses who have stayed alive in human imagination for over 3,000 years. She refutes theories that define a “normal” woman as one who conforms to one “correct” model, personality pattern or psychological profile.

With more than three decades of immersion in science, mysticism and activism, Jean is uniquely qualified to show you how to better play the leading role in your own unfolding life drama by blending feminist insights with classical myths and Jungian archetypal psychology.

With clarity and compassion, Jean will explain how these powerful inner archetypes influence the choices and behavior of women and, consequently, the stability of their relationships with all the important people in their lives.

With Jean as your guide, you’ll:

  • Be able to live your personal myth with confidence and clarity.
  • Understand how evoking different goddess archetypes when your life is in transition can reveal paths leading to your right livelihood, a compatible life partner and ultimate destiny.
  • Learn how to develop admirable qualities that lay dormant within you.
  • Learn why a sense of timelessness is the key that unlocks a life of joy, wholeness and authenticity.
  • Be given the means to relate to and interact with different archetypes, allowing you to deepen your relationships with your parents, lovers, children, friends and colleagues.
  • Discover how to free yourself to lead a more creative, fulfilling and rewarding life by awakening into your true self.
  • Understand the source of certain instincts, abilities and priorities that drive you.
  • See how these feminine archetypes interact with cultural stereotypes and expectations to support or suppress your personality and behavior patterns.
  • Discover how to shape your life in positive, empowering ways and find personal meaning through conscious choices that others might not encourage.
  • Become savvy about the potential shadow qualities of each goddess archetype and how they can cause problems and conflicts.
  • Receive insights into your interpersonal and intrapsychic conflicts.
  • Learn why living out an archetype foisted upon you by others can lead to anxiety, despair and depression.
  • Come away with a profound sense of accepting and valuing yourself with a deeper, liberating understanding and appreciation for what it’s like to be you.
  • Discover how to break career and relationship patterns that no longer serve you.
  • See how working through fears and self-imposed limitations can awaken the influence of a new goddess archetype.
  • Harness the energies of two transformational currents the claiming of your signature goddess archetype and the expanded knowledge of how the other six contribute to your soul purpose.

Learning which goddess energies are swirling within you and understanding how they influence every aspect of your life can provide the missing pieces of the puzzle that completes your identity.

Ultimately, tapping into the revitalizing power of these seven classic archetypes enables you to activate the greatness within you and become the heroine of your own life story.

Note: This course will be valuable to therapists, coaches, parents, and to men to learn about women and the archetypes they are drawn to (or been burnt by). The emphasis is on individual growth and development, which would make it a course directed to women who will be the primary audience; however, it is not all about the individual woman either participants will be invited to think about their affinities and tensions with friends, same-sex lovers, siblings and mothers, evoked by their goddesses within. Goddess archetypes as they relate to typology and character-personality patterns, as well as how they affect others can provide valuable insights into the clients and patients of psychologists and psychiatrists.

What You’ll Discover in These 10 Modules

In this 10-part transformational journey, Jean will guide you through the fundamental feminine archetypal forces, insights, and patterns that you’ll need to successfully access your natural expression and live from a place of wholeness.

Each contemplation and exploration session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices and insights you’ll need to deepen your soul’s journey into these archetypal energies.

Module 1: You Are the Protagonist in Your Own Life Story: What Will You Do With ‘Your One Wild & Precious Life?’
(Recorded February 24)


The phrase “your one wild and precious life” comes from Mary Oliver’s poem "Summer Day,” and is known by many. Yet, not all of us feel that our life is precious; our culture and significant others did not see or treat us as precious, and so we haven’t either. The wild Oliver refers to is your innate nature who you were born into the world as and the way of being that is natural to you.

This wild nature is also the stirring of goddess energies within you. These archetypes hold the inner strength and direction of your most authentic self. This module will help you start to discover your goddess energies within. It will also guide you in discovering the effects the outer world, including patriarchy, culture, upbringing, and the Women’s Movement, have had on these energies’ ability to be activated as the life-fulfilling juice they can be.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn the meaning of The Myth of the Procrustean Bed and how it applies to you.
  • Remember the child you were and what got suppressed in you and by whom.
  • Explore what was valued by which parent when you were growing up and how this affected your innate nature.
  • Discover how you may have been shamed and, thus, learned to shame yourself in the same ways.
  • Begin to feel compassion and appreciation for what you have survived, done and loved.
  • Experience a short guided meditation-visualization and reflection to invite in your inner child.
  • Discover the song: "How Could Anyone?" by Shaina Knoll from the album Songs for the Inner Child, as a source of inspiration for honoring your inner child.

Module 2: To Know the Goddesses Within is to Know Yourself (Recorded March 2)


Archetypes are deep patterns of being and behaving, They act in us and through us whether we know them by name or not. Throughout this course, you will explore seven mythological Greek goddesses that embody age-old archetypes or behavioral patterns in women. Many of these goddesses’ names will be familiar to you, long embedded in your mind through education and the arts. They are Artemis, Athena, Hestia, Hera, Demeter, Persephone and Aphrodite.

The archetypal energies of one of them may remain dominant within you throughout your life and can be considered your “signature” goddess. You may also experience the stirring of several of the goddesses within you over your lifetime, as the need or desire to shift your inner compass arises during different phases of your life.

In this module: you’ll:

  • Gain an overview of the Goddesses and their qualities according to category: the Virgin Goddesses (Artemis, Athena and Hestia); the Vulnerable Goddesses (Hera, Demeter and Persephone); and the Alchemical Goddess (Aphrodite).
  • Learn the differences in the quality of consciousness for each category, including the Virgin Goddesses ability to focus on what matters to them; the Vulnerable Goddesses keen awareness of people and the atmosphere around them; and the prospective effects of the activation of the Alchemical Goddess’ energies.
  • Discover the psychological and personal characteristics inherent in each category: how relationships are a source of meaning, and pain, for the Vulnerable Goddesses; how intimacy can be challenging for the Virgin Goddesses; and how judgment of others and lack of awareness of future consequences can challenge the Alchemical Goddess.
  • Experience a quiet reflection to discover which of these goddesses energies are stirring within you and why.

Module 3: Artemis: Goddess of the
Hunt & Moon
(Recorded March 9)


In this module and those that follow, we’ll begin the exciting journey of discovering the characteristics and behaviors of seven mythological Greek goddesses. Through their stories, you’ll begin to recognize which goddess archetypes you are most aligned with, and discover which you may need to draw from or tone down to create greater balance within yourself and your life. You’ll learn the stories of Artemis and, through them, what she values and how she reacts.

Artemis was the first born of twins; her brother was Apollo, God of the Sun. She was a help to her mother the only goddess known for this. Her realm was the wilderness, which she roamed with her nymph companions.

Those who embody the Artemis archetype have a sense of equality with men, a sisterhood with women and an affinity with nature. Artemis energy is active in feminists, environmentalists, activists and therapists motivated to help the vulnerable. Artemis also has a spiritual or mystical way of seeing: moonlight vision.

In this module, you’ll learn:

  • How the mythology of Artemis reveals qualities of her archetypal energies.
  • What Artemis’ symbols tell us in the myth of Atalanta: Mother Bear and Calydon Boar.
  • Modern-day examples of “Artemis women,” including Gloria Steinem, Eve Ensler, Julia Butterfly Hill, Amy Wambach, and Hunger Games’ Katniss Everdeen played by Jennifer Lawrence.
  • How her energies can support you in difficult times and at different stages of your life.
  • The value of circles with a spiritual center.
  • The Indomitable Spirit of Artemis: How to retain the psychological meaning of "virgin,” and not identify with victim.
  • Her shadow or dark side in mythology and how it is expressed as mercilessness and rage in women today.
  • What the “Artemis Woman” needs to experience and learn.

Module 4: Athena: Goddess of Wisdom, Strategy & Practical Crafts (Recorded March 16)


Athena was born out of her father Zeus’ head as a grown woman wearing golden armor. She announced her arrival with a war cry and the earth shook when her feet hit the ground. She became the only Olympian that Zeus trusted with his symbols of power. She is the archetype of the Father’s Daughter, the defender of Patriarchy, and the ally of heroes. Her realm was the city; Athens bears her name. She was the Patron Goddess of Weavers and an expert strategist on the battlefield. Both require similar skills, seeing the big picture and devising strategies to create the desired outcome. Athena Women thrive in the corporate and political worlds. Athena had no memory of her mother, who was Metis, the Titan Goddess of Wisdom, whom Zeus married and, with her help, overthrew the Titans to become Chief God.

In this module, you’ll learn:

  • The meaning of Athena’s symbols: her armor, spear, and the owl.
  • How Athena’s qualities can be in the service of patriarchal values, including power, domination and control or applied to solving problems or finding creative practical solutions.
  • How the archetype of Athena brings into focus the conflict between two major Jungian concepts: typology and the anima-animus theory.
  • How logic and competitiveness can cut Athena Women off from friendships with women, yet helps them to work well with men.
  • Modern-day examples of Athena Women, including Condoleezza Rice; Phyllis Schlafly, who stopped the ratification of ERA; Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis; Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany: and Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films.
  • The shadow aspects of Athena, as revealed in the Medusa effect and the death of Hector and fate of Arachne in Greek mythology.
  • Ways to grow by remembering Metis (Athena’s mother), taking off your armor, and revisiting the value of feminist insights.

Module 5: Hestia: The Goddess of the Hearth & Temple (Recorded March 30)


Hestia is the third Virgin Goddess and least known of the Greek goddesses. She is notably absent from myths and not represented in statues or paintings, Instead, she was the fire at the center of the round hearth, which can also be represented by the mandala Jung’s image for the Self. It was her presence that made a house a home and a building a temple. Hestia was a spiritually felt presence that provided illumination, warmth, and heat to cook food. Her mythology is briefly mentioned as thwarting Aphrodite to remain perpetually virgin. The two Hymns to Hestia are invocations inviting her into the house or temple.

A Hestia Woman is detached from the outer world that engages most people. She is not invested in being known, or desired, or ambitious. She creates a center of serenity around her. It suits her to be a homemaker or to follow a calling into a contemplative order of nuns or as a member of an ashram or collective community. The problem for a contemporary Hestia is her invisibility. In an extroverted culture, the roles that suit her are no longer valued. And, while her archetype does not have a shadow (she’s the only goddess without one), a woman who is inherently Hestia is often devalued by others and by herself.

In this module, you will learn:

  • To value Hestia if she is your dominant archetype.
  • The need to develop a persona for the outer world.
  • The importance of staying true to Hestia as well as Poseidon and Apollo’s off-centering effects on this archetype,
  • The value of cultivating Hestia as the center of peace and quiet within yourself.
  • How to cultivate her energies through a Hestia mediation.
  • Gain an overview of Hestia, Artemis and Athena as the Virgin Goddess Archetypes, discovering the, gifts and effects of their energies on yourself and others, whether outer or inward.

Module 6: Hera: The Goddess of Marriage (Recorded April 6)


Hera is the first of the three Vulnerable Goddesses: Hera, Demeter and Persephone. These goddesses’ psychology and mythology cannot be separated from the significant others in their lives. Of necessity, they pay more attention to those around them, which diffuses their awareness of themselves.

The goddess Hera was the wife of Zeus, Chief God (CEO of Mount Olympus). Major temples and rituals were dedicated to her. Marriage was sacred to Hera, while her unfaithful husband Zeus was a philanderer, seducer and rapist whose progeny were gods and demigods. Hera became enraged and vindictive toward the women Zeus had been attracted to and took out this rage on them, their children or innocent bystanders.

The archetype of the wife is a powerful force in the psyches of Hera Women. Marriage is the goal, the source of meaning and identification. A married Hera Woman’s life centers around her spouse and a social world of couples. Her happiness and meaning depends upon fidelity and how important she is to her spouse.

In this module, you will learn:

  • The procrustean effect of patriarchy on this archetype.
  • The message of The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan.
  • The positive aspects of being a Hera Woman, including capacity for commitment and individuation in relationship.
  • The challenges a Hera Woman faces, often learning through projection and disillusionment.
  • The Shadow aspects of Hera: rage, vindictiveness, obsessive thoughts and paranoia.
  • Paths toward recovery from negative Hera characteristics.

Module 7: Demeter: The Goddess of Grain & Mother of Persephone (Recorded April 13)


Demeter is the goddess of bountiful harvests Goddess of Grain, the source of basic nourishment in bread and cereals (Ceres is her Roman name). She was portrayed as a beautiful, mature woman with golden hair and dressed in blue. She is the most maternal of the Olympians and best known as the mother of Persephone.

Demeter represents the maternal archetype and its strong instincts. Demeter Women are fulfilled through mothering and/or providing physical, psychological or spiritual nourishment to others.

During this session, Jean will tell the story of Demeter and the abduction of Persephone, interpreting and expanding its meaning and relevancy to your modern day life.

In this module, you will learn:

  • The generosity, nurturing qualities and perseverance of this archetype.
  • How Demeter and her archetype suffer from powerlessness under patriarchal dominance.
  • The Demeter Woman’s major responses to loss: agitation, apathy and depression.
  • How this archetype has difficulties setting boundaries when others are needy, resulting in susceptibility to burnout and depression.
  • Demeter’s Shadow qualities: being a "helicopter-parent" and fostering dependency.
  • How the need to be mother for meaning is affected by empty nest syndrome.
  • The effects the Women’s Movement has had on Demeter Women.
  • Ways a Demeter Woman can grow through becoming aware and empowered and her own good mother.

Module 8: Persephone: The Maiden & Queen of the Underworld (Recorded April 20)


Persephone was just the Kore (or nameless maiden), the privileged daughter of Zeus and Demeter, before her abduction by Hades plunged her into the Underworld. Hermes was sent to bring her back to Demeter, but before she returned to the Upper World, Persephone swallowed pomegranate seeds given to her by Hades. As a result of digesting or metabolizing the Underworld experience, she became Queen of the Underworld and a guide for others. She also would then spend part of the year in the Underworld, emerging each spring.

Persephone starts as the least defined of the goddess archetypes, the one most affected by others’ stronger personalities and most susceptible to becoming a victim, with potential for staying a victim or redeeming her suffering by becoming a guide for others.

In this module, you will:

  • Learn about Young Persephone, Abducted Persephone and Queen of the Underworld Persephone.
  • Discover how young Persephone and young Hestia appear alike on the surface.
  • Learn the meaning of the Underworld as a metaphor for addictions, depression or delusion, including its underlying energy in trafficked girls and women.
  • Explore how today’s “Underworld Guide” shows up as an Alcoholics Anonymous sponsor, depth psychologist, etc., or through the creating of art, poetry or music.
  • Discover how Persephone depressions differ from Demeter depressions.
  • Explore Persephone archetypes in modern-day women and personas, including
  • English singer/songwriter Amy Winehouse, actress/singer/songwriter Lindsay Lohan; the Laura character in the play and movie The Glass Menagerie.
  • Learn about the symbology of the pomegranate.
  • Learn about the archetypes of Demeter, Hades, Hermes and Hecate and their relation to Persephone.
  • Discover how the message of Easter and the Eleusinian Mysteries are very similar.

Module 9: Aphrodite: The Goddess of Love & Beauty: Archetype of the Lover & Creative Woman (Recorded April 27)


Aphrodite has two birth stories. The most famous was illustrated by Botticelli, in which she arose fully grown out of the sea. In the other, she was the daughter of Zeus and Dione, a sea nymph. When Aphrodite arrived on Olympus, many of the gods were struck by her beauty and wanted to marry her. Unlike any of the other goddesses, she did the choosing, and chose to marry Hephaestus, the lame God of the Forge. Her myths tell of her many lovers, both gods and mortals, all chosen by her, who became fathers of her children.

Aphrodite’s awesome power was irresistible; she could cause divinities and mortals to fall in love. In myths in which she affects others as in the story of Medea and Jason, or in the real life of women who fall in love with abusive men, her effect can be a curse. The image and meaning of Aphrodite herself suffered when the ancient divinities of Greece and Rome became superseded by monotheism. This once awesome goddess who was revered became denigrated as the goddess of prostitutes.

However, when Aphrodite is active in women who can choose to express this aspect of themselves wisely then love and beauty enhances their relationships. Sensuality and sexuality is hers to feel and express with whom and whenever she likes; yet, only when she has autonomy and culture is not repressed by patriarchy.

In this module, you will learn:

  • How Aphrodite can enhance all relationships and creativity.
  • How patriarchy controls, degrades and fears Aphrodite.
  • How Aphrodite’s energies can catch women unawares.
  • Aphrodite is the archetype yet to be liberated.
  • Why Aphrodite is The Alchemical Goddess.
  • The relationship between Aphrodite consciousness, creativity and Jungian analysis.
  • Aphrodite’s Pygmalion effect vs Athena’s Medusa effect.

Module 10: Your life story is Unfolding
(Recorded May 4)


Consciousness-raising applies to both our inner and outer worlds. Every woman is acted upon by two powerful forces: the goddesses within us, and the expectations of others and culture on us. Within, the archetypes can vie, ally and create conflict. In our outer lives, those closest to us consciously or unconsciously mold us to fit their needs. Patriarchy rewards, limits, or punishes archetypes.

So, which goddess gets the Golden Apple and who decides? Coherence occurs when our outer life matches our inner depth. In life, we are all affected by circumstances beyond our control, yet how we respond to them determines who we are becoming. Women as well as men can be on a Hero’s Journey when they are heeding the inner call to adventure, just as men as well as women are on the Heroine’s Journey due to unchosen circumstances.

In this module, you will:

  • Learn the personal meaning of The Judgment of Paris.
  • See how consciousness and choice lead to an authentic and meaningful life.
  • Hear a perspective that life is a soul journey.
  • Develop your ability to listen to messages from synchronistic events, dreams, body knowledge, heart responses and gnosis.
  • Learn how to endure the tension of opposites until there is clarity.
  • Reflect upon the necessity for courage, and what it means for you and for specific archetypes to be brave.
  • Gain inspiration from the song: “If I Were Brave" by Jana Stanfield.

The Liberating the Goddesses in You
Bonus Collection

In addition to Jean’s transformative 10-module virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement what you’ll learn in the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Standing By Trees, Women & Girls
Audio Interview with Jean Shinoda Bolen


Jean’s thwarted efforts to save a magnificent Monterey Pine tree in her yard from those who wanted to have a better view moved her to look at the anatomy and physiology of trees as well as the archetypal and sacred symbols they represent. In this compelling audio hosted by Justine Willis Toms, Jean makes the connection between the oppression of women and girls and the devastation of forests by man. “If this world was a good place for children and women, it would be a hugely different world,” she says. She also encourages us to find the cause that has our name on it, a search that can be precipitated by asking the following questions: 1) Does it have personal meaning for me? 2) Is it fun? and, 3) Is it motivated by love? “Sometimes (love) looks like outrage, because what you love is being cut down, or trashed,” she shares. “But the motivation is that you love the principle, or the person, or the animal, or the life, or the planet, or the idea.”

The Call of Wisdom
Global Spirit Video with Jean Shinoda Bolen & Roger Walsh, M.D., Ph.D.


This insightful video examines the nature of wisdom, how it can be both universally recognized yet expressed in different ways by different traditions, and why our survival today as a species and a planet will almost certainly depend on it. Roger Walsh is a professor of psychiatry, philosophy and anthropology and has edited a book on how wisdom can be understood and cultivated.

Heeding the Urgent Message from Mother
Audio of Jean’s Keynote Address From the 3rd International Women’s Peace Conference


This is the inspiring call to action to “gather the women and save the world” that was interrupted by applause and got a standing ovation. Jean spoke spontaneously, quietly and yet passionately to women in the audience from all over the world. Listening to this audio, feels as if Jean is speaking directly to you as well as addressing a large audience. It is great to listen to and share for information and inspiration, as it is full of seed ideas waiting to be planted.

What People Are Saying About
Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD...

Dr. Bolen is one of my favorite modern authors... She weaves the stories of 7 goddesses of classical Greece (Athena, Artemis, Hestia, Hera, Demeter, Persephone, and Aphrodite) with observations of emotional and behavioral patterns culled from her years of clinical work. The results are truly compelling portraits almost every women will find at least one "aha!" of recognition... and all of us can find some kind of "aha!" for the women dear to us in our lives. By casting these behavioral patterns as *goddesses*, Dr. Bolen is ennobling the internal and external struggles of women and underscoring their inherent strength and wisdom...
Michael Mc.

Discover You’re a Goddess! Jean Shinoda Bolen is remarkable for putting together a set of archetypes for women to study and gain self-comprehension. The use of Greek goddesses Artemis, Athena, Hestia, Hera, Demeter, Persephone and Aphrodite helps women readily identify who they naturally are and whom they were conditioned to be. In addition, the archetypes enable women to look into activating whom they would like to be. I too noticed the presence of different goddesses in my life, in particular Artemis, Aphrodite, and Persephone. I was completely taken by these 3 archetypes, and plan to research them further...
Alex B.

Bolen takes Jungian psychology one step further by positing that there is not just, but many, female archetypes, and that a well-balanced women should incorporate aspects from each into her personality. Bolen uses the Greek goddesses Artemis, Athena, Hestia, Persephone, Demeter, Hera and Aphrodite to illustrate aspects of femininity including both strengths and weaknesses that come with certain characteristics. In the end, Bolen reminds women that choosing which archetype to draw from in any particular circumstance or learning to develop new aspects is critical. Absolutely fascinating!
K. B.

...I have had to overcome many myths my family has projected onto me, about myself. Dr. Bolen’s book helped me to pinpoint my underlying picture. I was able to do this because of the information about the other goddess archetypes. I think if you are a woman, and you are beginning a path of healing and recovery of your true self, this book will help you find the goddess who holds you captive(so to speak). I could then search for a way out of my captivity and access the strength available to me through the archetype I identified with. There are strengths and weaknesses to all the goddesses but I saw a common thread that ran through all of my life. I now had a starting point, I could then walk forward.
Cathy A.

Jean Shinoda Bolen continually brings a tour de force for championing the spirit of the female warrior in all. So when I had to download her CD and transfer it to mp3 into several CD discs to listen to while driving I was ok with that. Thanks Bolen for your sharing!
Cristina Mc.

Here’s What You’ll Receive


Ten 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions with Jean Shinoda Bolen

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn with feminine psychology pioneer Jean Shinoda Bolen from the comfort of your own home. Each class session guides you to learn the specific skills and abilities to claim your signature archetype and expand your range with the other six.


Ten PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices that you’ll learn.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you will then have the option to do related exercises, practice new tools and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning.

The Liberating the Goddesses in You
Bonus Collection

  • Standing By Trees, Women & Girls
    Audio Interview with Jean Shinoda Bolen
  • The Call of Wisdom
    Global Spirit Video with Jean Shinoda Bolen & Roger Walsh, M.D., Ph.D.
  • Heeding the Urgent Message from Mother
    Audio of Jean’s Keynote Address From the 3rd International Women’s Peace Conference

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Liberating the Goddesses in You Virtual Training

We feel honored that Jean Shinoda Bolen has chosen to partner with The Shift Network on this exclusive online training. As you may know, this is a rare opportunity to learn directly from a renowned expert in the field of feminine psychology whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves, our partners and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Jean’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home at your own pace!

If you are serious about becoming who you were meant to be as shaped by the world and the archetypes within, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!


Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Liberating the Goddesses in You with Jean Shinoda Bolen or don’t feel that it meets your needs please contact our friendly Support Team within 14 days of your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.

About Jean Shinoda Bolen:


Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D., is a psychiatrist, Jungian analyst and an internationally known author and speaker. She is the author of several books including The Tao of Psychology, Goddesses in Everywoman and Urgent Message from Mother, with over eighty foreign translations. She is a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and a former clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of California at San Francisco, a past board member of the Ms. Foundation for Women and the International Transpersonal Association. She was a recipient of the Institute for Health and Healing’s "Pioneers in Art, Science, and the Soul of Healing Award,” and the Association for the Study of Women and Mythology’s Demeter Award for her lifetime achievement in women’s spirituality. She is a Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. She was in two acclaimed documentaries, the Academy-Award winning anti-nuclear proliferation film Women For America, For the World, and the Canadian Film Board’s Goddess Remembered. The Millionth Circle Initiative was inspired by her book and led to her involvement at the UN. She is an advocate for a UN 5th World Conference on Women, which was supported by the Secretary General and the President of the General Assembly in 2012.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we'd love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we'll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

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