With World-Renowned Herbalist and Teacher
K.P. Khalsa

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training


Elevate your spiritual transformation as you delve into Ayurvedic herbs’ physical, mental & spiritual properties using herbs to cleanse your body, defend against dis-ease, balance your being at every level & connect more deeply with your own spirit.


If you’re like many of us, when you’re not feeling well, you jump headfirst into healing the symptoms instead of pulling back, to work at the source point of your dis-ease.

Yet, to achieve radiant health that lasts, you must meet your individual needs as a complex, multi-layered person whose mental, emotional, and spiritual states all contribute to what’s happening inside you.

Western medicine often forgets that you’re a whole being and focuses on the elimination of separate symptoms, instead of uncovering their root.

Ayurvedic wisdom honors the profound connections between your mind, body, and spirit, combining physical, psychological, and spiritual health. Ayurveda, the ancient sister science of yoga, is a whole-body system for living that addresses imbalances before health challenges set in

Ayurveda provides insights into your core energetics and metabolic patterns known as doshas and it includes a sophisticated system of herbal medicine specific to your makeup.

Your doshas determine which herbs will more effectively get to the root of what ails you or holds you back, so you can improve your health and wellbeing while you evolve spiritually...

Join us for a 7-module course with world-renowned herbalist and teacher K.P. Khalsa and learn to use Ayurvedic herbs to heal from dis-ease, expand your mind, and propel your spiritual journey.

K.P. will share deep insights into your metabolic energy type whether you identify most with Vata (cold and dry), Pitta (hot and wet), or Kapha (cold, heavy, and wet) so you can heal yourself and balance your physical, mental, and spiritual systems.

When these energies are out of balance, they can cause seemingly unrelated disruptions in other aspects of your life.

K.P. will guide you to choose herbs that hold opposite energies from your own to adjust your imbalances so you can confidently begin your journey on the path to improving your digestion and sleep, reducing joint and muscle pain, regulating your blood pressure and cholesterol, and much more.

(Please note that while it’s certainly enlightening to have the herbs K.P. will feature each session, you’re not required to purchase herbs for this course.)

Join K.P. and learn to use herbs to sharpen and expand your mind, reduce mind chatter, and improve memory. You’ll also unlock ways to enable communication with your soul, forge a better connection with your spirit, and heighten your capacity to experience bliss.


What Is Vata?

What Is Pitta?

What Is Kapha?


In this transformative 7-module course, you’ll:

  • Support your physical and emotional selves with lesser-known, more sophisticated uses for herbs
  • Expand your mind and propel your soul journey by understanding herbs’ hidden meanings
  • Create your personal herbal detoxification plan for your body and mind, including proper doses
  • Assemble your personal longevity kit with herbs to maximize your lifespan while feeling great
  • Choose the right herb (and calculate the proper dose) to address your problem thoughts even old circular thoughts that have haunted you for years
  • Choose and prepare personal Ayurvedic herbs to catapult you into spirit consciousness and help you experience your bliss
  • Discover health-enhancing insights about herbs that K.P. will teach you how to use most effectively (please note: while it would be helpful if you have or order these herbs, no herbs are required for this course)
  • Use herbs to help your mind serve your soul’s purpose and make sure your body is giving good impressions to your soul
  • Stop your mind from interfering with the exalted thoughts that reflect your true potential so you can experience your true Self
  • Learn how the aim of yoga is to join you and your divine consciousness and why the mystical side of herbs are a pivotal part of this journey

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, K.P. will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to elevate your spiritual potential as you delve deeply into Ayurvedic herbalism and plant medicine practices.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with K.P.. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to use Ayurvedic herbs to cleanse your body, defend against dis-ease, and balance your being at every level, expanding your bliss for years to come.

Module 1: Introduction to Deep Ayurveda Herbalism Herbs’ Physical, Mental & Spiritual Properties


Ayurvedic herbalism is a portal or bridge to what can help you rise up to your own spiritual potential cleansing the body, defending against dis-ease, and balancing the body, mind, and spirit.

As you embark on this 7-module course, K.P. will explain how Ayurveda is the ultimate healing system because it deals with energy.

The goal of Ayurveda is spiritual progress. Herbs are a deep part of Ayurveda, and they have hidden meanings to help you expand your mind and propel your soul journey.

In Ayurveda, many plants have spiritual names, such as the heart panacea, Arjuna, whose name means “untwisted” (in the personality, emotions, and spiritual power).

Almost all herbs in Ayurveda have physical, mental and spiritual properties. Depending on how you select, consume, and integrate them, you can use them to evolve in every area of life.

You’ll dive deep into how your energy system and doshas function, which will empower you to get healthy, stay healthy, and enhance your mind and spirit.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • This module’s featured herbs: Punarnava root, Chiretta, Kalmegh, and Ashwagandha
  • A deeper understanding of how to use the Ayurvedic system to address difficult health problems
  • How the body is put together and how herbs can help you evolve
  • How to select herbs for quality, results, and accessing spiritual dimensions
  • How to understand Ayurvedic herb doses
  • How to take Ayurvedic herbs properly
  • A group exercise you’ll place 1 teaspoon of ashwagandha powder in a glass of hot water and taste its effect on your body in a contemplative consciousness

Module 2: Lesser-Known Ayurvedic Herbs for Physical, Mental & Spiritual Detox


To continually develop the mind and make spiritual progress, we need to get healthy and stay healthy.

K.P. will share how, according to Ayurveda, physical health is the most important factor in managing the four goals of life: your path, your possessions, your pleasure, and your spiritual life.

Detoxification is Ayurveda’s primary tool for complete healing, and K.P. will explain how to use Ayurvedic energetics to understand the subtleties of core detoxification.

You’ll learn about special herbs and dietary practices that dig deep into the tissues to excavate old deposits that have been blocking ideal health, mental clarity, and spiritual progress.

You’ll study lesser-known Ayurvedic gems that penetrate deep into the physical tissues and mental channels to help you purify the liver, gut, and bloodstream, so your mind can rise to new heights.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • This module’s featured herbs: Salai, Kapoor, and Haritaki
  • How Ayurvedic herbs help you detox your body and your mind
  • Deep detoxifying herbs that clean out physical and mental residue
  • Which herbal properties (energies) and herbal tastes are detoxifying
  • Which Ayurvedic herbs will work for you personally, using Ayurvedic energetics
  • How to create your personal herbal detoxification plan for your body and mind, including proper doses
  • A guided group inner journey to India, where a medicinal plant you’ve learned about is growing you’ll internally potentize the plant with your specific energy and feel the effects of the plant in your body

Module 3: Lesser-Known Ayurvedic Herbs for Building the Body


K.P. will explain how, after after detoxification, you rebuild the tissues, including the digestive tract, skin, bones, muscles, and nerves...

Once you’ve taken these two steps, you can have a long life without more symptoms.

As a human, good energy, clear senses, and a robust immune system are your birthright. Unfortunately, Vata (the cold and dry tendency) is a destructive energetic force within the body. K.P. will explain how to control this force and build a strong foundation for the future.

By using some outstanding though lesser-known Ayurvedic herbs, you can live a longer life, which allows you to make more spiritual progress.

You’ll learn to apply Ayurvedic energetics to get to a healthier place, which herbs match you personally, and how to maintain positive results.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • This module’s featured herbs: Shankapushpi, Anantamool, Arjuna, and Sarpagandha
  • Herbs for a long life, greater wisdom, more immune resistance, and a sayisfying sex life
  • Which herbs to take for the rest of your life to maximize your lifespan, to maximize your lifespan while feeling great
  • Which herbs make up your personal longevity kit
  • The secret of Ayurvedic doses
  • A guided group journey to a place where Shankapushpi grows as you imagine the climate and the soil, you’ll extend your consciousness into the plant, discovering the messages it sends you

Module 4: Ayurvedic Herbs That Heal the Mind


In the Ayurvedic perspective, all diseases start in the mind the link between the body and the soul.

You’ll discover that anxious thoughts are mainly caused by Vata, while Kapha is usually the culprit in depression.

As K.P. will explain, you can treat problem thoughts with herbs that clear your mental channels of accumulated toxicity… mental techniques such as meditation and mantra… and a deeper understanding of Ayurvedic psychology.

K.P. will share popular Ayurvedic herbs that are known mainly for healing the body but possess profound mind healing properties, too.

If you’re like most people, your mind’s constant repetitions can interfere with your connection to your soul. K.P. will reveal how to move beyond your mind’s chatter and heal it so it can serve you and free up time and space to connect with your soul.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • The featured herbs: Calamus, Guduchi, Brahmi, and Ashoka
  • How mantra, meditation, and herbs work together
  • How to choose the right mind herb (and calculate the proper dose) to address your problem thoughts even old circular thoughts that have haunted you for years
  • An herb to open the fifth chakra and calm stage fright and social anxiety
  • A guided group exercise where you’ll choose any herb you’ve discussed so far putting a pinch in your mouth and contemplating what it tastes like and how it makes you feel

Module 5: Ayurvedic Herbs That Expand the Mind


Your mind is capable of much more than constant chatter it can help you see the unseen and know the unknown.

K.P. will explain how your mind is meant to serve your soul’s purpose and make sure your body is giving good impressions to your soul. As long as your mind is fixated on something else, your life will feel limited...

You’ll learn how to use renowned Ayurvedic herbs to help train your mind to stick to its job so you can improve your mind’s capabilities, live up to your highest potential, and experience true freedom.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • The featured herbs: Mandukaparni, Mints (including horsemint, Kapikacchu, Gokshura, and Jyotishmati
  • How to use herbs to restore your memory to that of a teenager, enhance meditation, disconnect the chattering mind from your True Self, and make the most of your senses as you age
  • An herb called “the mind of God”
  • A group meditation where you’ll choose the herb that’s most influenced you during the course so far, contemplate how that herb has helped your mental clarity, and share the insights you discover

Module 6: Ayurvedic Herbs for Connecting With the Spirit


Ayurveda and yoga are symbiotically components of the same system. The spiritual development elements of yoga go hand-in-hand with its practices.

K.P. will explain how the word yoga means “joining” the aim of yoga is to help you join with your divine consciousness. As you’ll discover, herbs are a pivotal part of this journey. In this session, you’ll explore this mystical side of herbs.

Ayurveda’s purpose is to help you experience your true Self. Once your mind has stopped distracting you (even a little) and is doing what it’s designed to do, you’ll experience exalted thoughts that reflect your true potential so your witness consciousness can experience your true nature as a spiritual being...

As you evolve, you can stay in that state of spirit connection more often.

K.P. will share how Ayurveda has discovered herbs, and ways to use them, that can help catapult you into deep soul connection.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • The featured herbs: Japa, Chandana, and Devadaru (God’s wood)
  • Herbs that help you go beyond your limited chattering mind
  • Herbs that optimize spiritual connection
  • Herbs that bring the essence of the Universal vibration into your being
  • How to find your personal herb combination to help connect to your soul
  • A group exercise to reflect on the herb you’ve used in this course that’s had the most profound mental impact on you and go back into that state to experience the connection with your True Self

Module 7: Ayurvedic Herbs for Expanding the Spirit & Experiencing Your Bliss


We are souls that inhabit a body, and can have ecstatic experiences within our souls.

We are souls that inhabit a body, and we can have ecstatic experiences within our souls.

The vibrations from certain herbs help you match the vibrations of the Universe and dive deep into your soul connection. From there, you can go even deeper into the mystic cosmos of your soul and experience your bliss.

Herbs can be the launching pad for this experience.

As this course comes to a close, you’ll learn about Ayurvedic methods and how to use herbs, as you delve even deeper into the connection with your true Self.

As your body detoxifies and rejuvenates, and your mind heals and opens, you’ll have more energy for soul exploration.

In this closing session, you’ll discover:

  • The featured herbs: Yavani, Datura, and Lodhra
  • An herb that helps you dive deep into your soul consciousness
  • When and how to use your inner voice for guidance
  • How to choose and prepare personal Ayurvedic herbs to catapult you into your spirit consciousness and help you experience your bliss
  • How herbs can help you develop your ecstatic connection with your soul and how to stay there
  • A group exercise where you’ll tell the group about personal experiences you’ve had with herbs during this course and how they’ve affected your physical, mental, and spiritual evolution

The Path of Ayurvedic Herbalism Bonus Collection

In addition to K.P.’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Ayurveda Food Combining
Video Teaching From K.P. Khalsa

Food combining is the concept that some foods digest well together while others do not. According to Ayurveda, food combining improves the quality of digestion, assists the body in receiving a deeper level of nourishment, and positively impacts overall health. In this powerful teaching, you’ll discover how each food has a distinct combination of tastes and energies, with a specific effect on the digestive system and the body as a whole.


Twin Sciences: Ayurveda & Yoga
Video Teaching From K.P. Khalsa

Are you curious about how the sciences of yoga and Ayurveda complement each other and can enhance your life and your physical and mental health? In this 90-minute teaching, you’ll learn how to expand your awareness and reach your potential using techniques from Ayurveda, including herbs to sharpen your thinking, practices to master your mind, and philosophies for inspired living. You’ll explore how you can promote flexibility, muscular strength, stamina, concentration, and hormone balance.


Metabolism & Body Type
Video Teaching From K.P. Khalsa

Why can some people (seemingly) eat anything they want without gaining any weight? Metabolism is often the quick and acceptable answer, yet there’s much more to this mystery. In this fascinating 90-minute webinar, K.P. will share wisdom and practices that best suit various body types with different metabolisms.


Top 10 Ayurveda Medicines That Are Not Herbs
Video Teaching From K.P. Khalsa

Most Ayurvedic remedies come as powders or pills, but Ayurveda offers so much more. In this 90-minute teaching, K.P. will share an overview of the wide selection of preparations used in Ayurveda including many that have only recently become widely available. You’ll learn about the neti pot and herbal wines for digestion, the heart, and beyond.


Ancient Herbs for Higher Consciousness
Video Dialogue With Adriana Ayales and David Crow, LAc

In this session from The Shift Network’s Plant Medicine Summit, rainforest herbalist Adriana Ayales and plant medicine pioneer David Crow discuss powerful spiritual herbs and plants that have been used for millennia to activate higher awareness, intuitive abilities, and deep healing on every level, including mental, emotional and energetic. These plants have long been used by monks, yogis, and shamans to boost brain abilities and assist meditation and prolonged states of concentration.


What Graduates of K.P.’s Courses Are Saying...

“K.P. Khalsa is brilliant.”

K.P. Khalsa is brilliant. His classes are always filled to the brim with herbal gems. He has such a deep understanding and extensive experience applying herbs. We are all very fortunate to learn from such an advanced herbalist.
Shelly Smith, Austin, Texas

“It’s wonderful to get such great wisdom from a lifelong expert.”

Natural healing is very much needed for everyone. This course helps us throughout our lives to apply healthy eating, drinking and techniques right away. Anyone can understand the contents of this course. All is explained in simple language and K.P. interprets the Ayurvedic ways to Western style medicine with ease. It’s wonderful to get such great wisdom from a lifelong expert.
Sherry, Louisville, Kentucky

“I loved benefiting from K.P. Kahlsa’s in-depth knowledge right from the comfort of my own home.”

I loved benefiting from K.P. Kahlsa’s in-depth knowledge right from the comfort of my own home. The course was well equipped for any style of learning video, transcripts and supplemental reading material. Thank you for the insights.
Linda, Vashon, Washington

“I very much enjoyed K.P. Khalsa’s way of presenting the course.”

I very much enjoyed K.P. Khalsa’s way of presenting the course. He imparted his knowledge in such a way that I could easily understand it. It left a very favorable impression on me and makes me want to delve into this subject matter even more deeply. The materials that were handed out are a wealth of information that I will continue to use in my pursuit of further study of this intriguing discipline.
Susan Kasendi, Victoria, Canada

“K.P. is able to dose out herbal advice in a way that is engaging and simple to implement into your life.”

K.P. is able to dose out herbal advice in a way that is engaging and simple to implement into your life. He is straightforward and down to earth. I am amazed at the amount of information he is willing to share. I highly recommend K.P. Khalsa’s courses!
Lisa, Miamisburg, Ohio

“I am sorry the class has ended!”

I loved this course with K.P. Khalsa! He is so informative, gives multiple examples and options for herbal remedies. I am sorry the class has ended!
Catherine Santini, Kirkland, Washington

“The knowledge I gleaned from this course will be invaluable to me and my loved ones as we age.”

The knowledge I gleaned from this course will be invaluable to me and my loved ones as we age. Having the downloadable course materials and lifetime access are major bonuses, as I know I will return to them again and again as I put what I learned into practice.


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With K.P. Khalsa

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from world-renowned herbalist and teacher K.P. Khalsa from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to use herbs to cleanse your body, defend against dis-ease, and balance your being at every level.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Path of Ayurvedic Herbalism Bonus Collection
  • Ayurveda Food Combining
    Video Teaching From K.P. Khalsa
  • Twin Sciences: Ayurveda & Yoga
    Video Teaching From K.P. Khalsa
  • Metabolism & Body Type
    Video Teaching From K.P. Khalsa
  • Top 10 Ayurveda Medicines That Are Not Herbs
    Video Teaching From K.P. Khalsa
  • Ancient Herbs for Higher Consciousness
    Video Dialogue With Adriana Ayales and David Crow, LAc

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Path of Ayurvedic Herbalism Online Training


We feel honored that K.P. Khalsa has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a world-renowned herbalist and teacher whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about merging the mystical and the practical to experience whole-body healing with plants, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Path of Ayurvedic Herbalism or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for K.P. Khalsa...

“... one of the top 10 instructors in herbal medicine in this country.”

A dedicated herbalist with extensive clinical experience, K.P. has an excellent teaching style and is able to present material in an informative and attention-holding manner. I consider him one of the top 10 instructors in herbal medicine in this country.
Steven H. Horne, former president of the American Herbalists Guild

“... one of the best sources for cutting-edge information on herbal medicine...”

K.P. is one of the country’s premier herbalists, held in high esteem by his peers and by journalists who regard him as one of the best sources for cutting-edge information on herbal medicine... His articles not only contain the most recent research on the subject matter, but they also offer fascinating historical and/or folkloric tidbits things that set his articles apart from those by other writers. I continue to look for opportunities to work with him again and I will call on him in a New York minute whenever the chance arises.
Carol Wiley Lorente, writer, editor, and editorial consultant

“... the pivotal course on my path in holistic nutrition and herbalism.”

Working with K.P. was truly the pivotal course on my path in holistic nutrition and herbalism. His course allowed me to take all of my education and bridge that knowledge with hands-on clinical work with class. His course gave me such confidence that after the first weekend I was out getting clients!
Dr. Lori Valentine Rose, PhD

“...someone who walks on the planet making it a better place.”

I’ve observed K.P. Khalsa’s commitment and dedication to promoting high integrity and professionalism within the herbal profession. K.P. Khalsa is someone with a reverence and respect for all beings, someone who walks on the planet making it a better place.
Robin DiPasquale, ND


About K.P. Khalsa

Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa, Yogaraj (Ayurveda), AD, DN-C, RH, is one of the foremost natural healing experts in North America. He holds a doctorate in Ayurveda and is nationally credentialed in the U.S. to teach herbalism, yoga, and Ayurvedic massage.

K.P. is a professor at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, a founding faculty of the Ayurvedic sciences program at Bastyr University, president emeritus of the American Herbalists Guild, and director emeritus of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association. He’s also a faculty member in the botanical medicine department at the National College of Natural Medicine, where he trains naturopathic medical students and teaches Ayurveda.

He’s written or edited 30 books, including major works on Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and physiology. His most recent book, The Way of Ayurvedic Herbs, co-authored with Michael Tierra, brings Ayurveda to life in an understandable and practical way.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
